NewsBits for February 8, 2006
Spanish hacker sentenced to two years in jail
Experts at Sophos have welcomed the news that
a hacker who stopped over a third of Spanish
computer users from using the Internet has
been sentenced to two years in jail.
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Music Producer Denied Bail in Pellicano Wiretapping Case
Robert Pfeifer is deemed a flight risk. Former
police officer, software engineer and phone
technician accused in scheme are released.
A music producer indicted in the Anthony
Pellicano wiretapping case was ordered held
without bail Tuesday after a federal magistrate
judge ruled that he was a risk to flee the
court's jurisdiction.,1,3510360.story
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Russian keyloggers hit bank customers
Russian scammers used key logging Trojans
to steal more than a 1m from French people
accessing online bank accounts. The Trojans
were sent by email but were not activated
until people accessed their online bank
accounts. Then the Trojan forwarded on
user names and passwords to the crooks.
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China reports closure of 76 Web sites in online piracy crackdown
Chinese authorities say they have shut down
76 Web sites in a crackdown on illegal use
of pirated material. Authorities also are
pursuing eight criminal cases against
Web site operators, the National Copyright
Administration of China said in a report
carried late Sunday by the official Xinhua
News Agency. The report didn't give any
details of the pirated material or what
charges would be filed.
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Anti-cartoon protests go online
Almost 1,000 Danish websites have been defaced
by Islamic hackers protesting about controversial
cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad. The attacks
typically replace home pages with pro-Islam messages
and condemn the publication of the images. Hack
attack monitoring group Zone-H said the defacements
were done both by hacker groups and individuals.
Zone-H said some hackers left moderate messages
but many called for a violent response to the
cartoons' publication.,10801,108472,00.html
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Sober dominates virus-filled January
January is the newest worst month on record
for PC viruses, according to a report released
by Sophos. The firm said that 2,312 new articles
of malware appeared last month, an increase
of more than one-third since December. The
Sober worm, called W32/Sober-Z by Sophos,
accounted for nearly 45 percent of all malware.
However, its recent dominance as the most
frequently seen type of malware is set to
end, the firm warned, because it stopped
spreading on Jan. 6.
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BT sounds child web porn warning
The number of attempts to view illegal child
pornography on the web has risen sharply since
2004, according to BT. The company uses a system
to block sites carrying indecent images of children,
which has been thwarting 35,000 hits a day for four
months. When BT first began using the Cleanfeed
system 18 months ago, there were 10,000 attempted
hits every day.
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Keeping an Online Biz Secure from Hackers
For any business operating online, nothing
is more important than security. The best
products or services, the most responsive
customer service, the most effective marketing
-- all are compromised if a business is left
open to crippling viruses or to hackers
looking to steal customer or business
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Multiple Vulnerabilities in Mozilla Products
Mozilla software, including the following,
is affected: Mozilla web browser, email
and newsgroup client, Mozilla SeaMonkey,
Firefox web browser, Thunderbird email
client Several vulnerabilities exist
in the Mozilla web browser and derived
products, the most serious of which could
allow a emote attacker to execute arbitrary
code on an affected system.
Exploit turns up heat for Firefox flaw
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Cisco confirms VPN vulnerability
A vulnerability located for Ciscos 3000-series
VPN concentrators running WebVPN appears
to extend to all versions of the product,
according to a security researcher who has
been following the situation. Cisco on Tuesday
acknowledged the problem and has confirmed
that an advisory update is in the offing.,10801,108467,00.html
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Sun issues patches for critical Java flaws
Sun Microsystems issued a patch Tuesday
to address seven "highly critical" flaws
in its Java Runtime Environment that could
allow a malicious attacker to gain remote
control over a user's system.
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A new view of security in Vista
Companies beta testing Vista have been quick
to praise new security features in the operating
system which is due out by year's end. Vista
will include a number of new features, especially
in its graphical user interface (GUI), that are
not yet completely realized in competing operating
systems such as Apple Computer's Mac OS X or the
open-source Linux OS.
Microsoft reports two bugs,10801,108470,00.html
Microsoft Gives Workarounds for New IE, Windows Flaws,1759,1922039,00.asp
Microsoft set for June OneCare security launch
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NIST experts craft data removal handbook
Wonder no longer about how to remove sensitive
data from the hard drives and optical disks
you are about to toss. The National Institute
of Standards and Technology has issued a set
of draft guidelines on how to safely remove
information from obsolete forms of storage.
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IronPort enters Web security space
Appliance designed to keep Web-based threats
from entering an organization. IronPort Monday
announced a new appliance designed to keep
Web-based threats, including spyware, viruses,
keyloggers, and phishing, from entering
an organization.,10801,108480,00.html
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McAfee launches bot-killing system
McAfee has become the first hardware vendor
to use a new technique it claims can reliably
protect companies from the threat of botnet-
launched distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
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Gartner warning on corporate use of IM
Gartner is warning enterprises to prepare
carefully before they leap into the murky
waters of public instant-messaging services,
and should look at using new federated systems
from the likes of Microsoft and IBM. Such
services show that IM networks designed for
consumers are penetrating ever-deeper into
the enterprise, Gartner says.
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Expert: Anti-spam rules likely ineffective:
Former hacker fun has now become big business,
says computer engineer. Recent efforts by federal
law enforcement to curb bulk e-mails -- called
spam -- probably won't make much difference
to the average computer user, local Internet
providers and computer experts said.
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Proposed federal budget would boost spending at DHS
President Bushs proposed budget for fiscal
year 2007, which begins Oct. 1, allocates
$42.7 billion for the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security and calls for more money
going toward improved preparedness and
information sharing, enhanced transportation
security, better border security, a stronger
Federal Emergency Management Agency and
improved DHS performance.,10801,108473,00.html
DHS wins big in fiscal 2007 budget proposal
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Thieves outwit high-tech advances
Automobile antitheft systems have gotten
smart -- but so have networks of criminals.
The recent thefts in Southern California of
several Lexus LS 400s, known among security
experts for their antitheft systems that tie
into the car's central computer system, have
created new concerns about the evolving
expertise of organized crime rings to defeat
the auto industry's most clever engineering.
(LA Times article, free registration required),1,1199256.story
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