NewsBits for February 26, 2004 sponsored by,
Southeast Cybercrime Institute -
ISU student charged with hacking former roommate's e-mail
An Iowa State University student was in jail Wednesday,
charged with hacking into his former roommate's e-mail
and sending messages falsely informing friends and
relatives that he was homosexual. Nicholas Jensen is
charged with electronic and mechanical eavesdropping,
unauthorized computer access, and harassment. If
convicted, he faces up to three years in prison and
fines. He was in the Story County Jail Wednesday with
bond set at $4,325
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International Net paedos busted
Police today launched simultaneous raids in 10
countries to bust a paedophile ring using messageboards
to exchange child porn. Operation Odysseus resulted
in several arrests and seizures of videos and computer
equipment. Police forces in Australia, Belgium, Canada,
Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Spain, Sweden and
the UK were involved.
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Thieves ravage Texan ATMs
ATM machines in the great state of Texas are under
attack with some criminals using more sophisticated
technology than others to get their loot.
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Ferocious new Mydoom variant destroys files
A new, fast-spreading version of the Mydoom worm
destroys files on computers worldwide as it increases
attacks via e-mails, Finnish computer security experts
warned Thursday. The "Mydoom.F" worm, discovered on
Feb. 20, has so far infected about 5 percent of all
Internet e-mail traffic, said Mikko Hypponen, director
of research at a leading antivirus company F-Secure.
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Netsky.C worm starts to spread
Security experts have discovered a new version
of the Netsky internet worm, warning that it is
spreading around the world.
Netsky causing billions in damages,10801,90491,00.html
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Update: AOL stops the spread of Bizex ICQ worm
AOL has told us it has stopped the Bizex worm
from spreading. ICQ Pro users do not need to take
action or download any files to take advantage
of the fix. The spokesperson also said that the
company is currently working on a fix for any
users that had been already infected by the worm.
Virus variants spread,39020375,39147398,00.htm
Who names computer viruses? Everybody
Can Lessons from the Common Cold Help Us Defeat Computer Viruses?
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Hole opens way to free MSN Premium
A flaw in Microsoft's MSN Explorer software has
allowed some Web surfers to gain free access to
features and services that normally cost $9.95
a month, the software giant confirmed on Thursday.
RSA: Microsoft to make Longhorn vulnerability-aware
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Court doesn't extend database protection
In the first case of its kind, a federal court in
New York has ruled that one company's snatching of
a database from a rival's Web site does not violate
the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
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EU anti-piracy directive heads for final vote
Following approval by a parliamentary committee,
a controversial intellectual property directive
is headed for a fast-track vote next month.,39020651,39147407,00.htm
The Answer to Piracy: Five Bucks?,1412,62434,00.html
Piracy on wireless Internet raises legal challenges
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China Clamps Down on Web News Discussion
China this week launched a major crackdown on
one of the most vibrant parts of the Internet,
the news discussion groups that have pushed the
boundary of free speech in the country and forced
greater government accountability.
(LA Times article, free registration required),1,4778483.story
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VeriSign under Oath for stronger ID checks
Security vendor VeriSign has unveiled its Open
Authentication reference architecture (Oath),
designed to help companies deploy strong
authentication technology across different
devices and networks.
Anti-spam firms test 'caller-ID' for email,39020375,39147376,00.htm
BA deals boost Visa and MasterCard online security schemes
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SMEs the weakest link on security
Small businesses are the weakest link in the UK's
fight against e-crime, according to the Conservative
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Senator: Information sharing is key to thwarting cyber attacks
At the RSA Conference this week, Senator Bob Bennett
(R-Utah) was awarded the RSA Award for Excellence
in the Field of Public Policy. Bennett, Chief Deputy
Majority Whip and a member of the Senate Republican
leadership team, has been active in forming economic
policy and high-tech issues.
Presidential advisor slams software security,39020375,39147413,00.htm
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Careful communication
Each week asks a different expert to give
their views on recent virus and security issues, with
advice, warnings and information on the latest threats.
This week's Iain Thomson warns that ignorance
isn't bliss for users who fail to understand the security
issues of wireless networks.
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Overcoming the challenges of RFID
In "The Prince," the savvy politician Machiavelli
asserted that "there is nothing more difficult to
take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more
uncertain in its success, than to take the lead
in the introduction of a new order of things."
Cloaking system for RFID tags unveiled
Lawmakers Alarmed by RFID Spying,1848,62433,00.html
RSA shows RFID tag blocker
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Anti-Spam Solutions and Security
In a recent survey, 93% of respondents reported
dissatisfaction with the large volume of unsolicited
email (spam) they receive. [ref 1] The problem has
grown to the point where nearly 50% of the world's
email is spam [ref 2], yet only a few hundred groups
are responsible. [ref 3] Many anti-spam solutions
have been proposed and a few have been implemented.
Unfortunately, these solutions do not prevent spam
as much as they interfere with every-day email
New Spam Filters Cut the Noise,1377,62421,00.html
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GAO sees electronic fingerprinting gains
Law enforcement agencies have increased the volume
and timeliness of fingerprints submitted electronically
to an FBI database, Congressional auditors found.
Law enforcement officials use the FBI's Integrated
Automated Fingerprint Identification System to
identify criminals and submit fingerprints to
keep the national database updated.
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British speeders get e-frowns before fines
Speeding motorists in some parts of Britain
are being flashed by electronic frowns, helping
them avoid police cameras and hefty fines.
Computer Forensics Training - Online. An intense, 150 hour,
instructor lead program that teaches you computer forensics
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