NewsBits for January 3, 2004 sponsored by,
Southeast Cybercrime Institute -
FBI reviewing claims of child-porn surfing at Texas health center
Accusations that physicians and other employees
at the University of Texas Health Science Center
at Houston regularly accessed teen-porn Web sites
are reportedly under investigation by FBI agents.
An audit manager at UTHSC who conducted an internal
investigation into the allegations has resigned,
telling UT-Houston President James Willerson in
memos obtained by the Houston Chronicle for Tuesday's
editions that the center's failure to take stronger
disciplinary action against the employees and what
she called retaliation against her had created
a hostile work environment.
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16 Computers Seized at Neverland
Raid last fall at Michael Jackson's compound also netted
a digital camera and at least 20 videotapes and DVDs,
court documents show. Santa Barbara County sheriff's
deputies seized at least 16 computers, a digital camera
and a score of videotapes and DVDs from Michael Jackson's
Neverland ranch during a raid last fall on the Los Olivos
compound, according to court documents unsealed Monday.,1,7443537.story
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Wired Sussex wins cybersquatting case
A non-profit organisation has won its dispute with
cybersquatters who just kept coming back and asking
for more - but only after it lost money. A Sussex-
based not-for-profit organisation has won its dispute
with cybersquatters after the UK domain name registry
Nominet ruled in its favour and awarded it two domains.,39020651,39145299,00.htm
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The MyDoom.B virus threat will prove too weak to harm Microsoft
Microsoft is unlikely to suffer at the hands of MyDoom.B,
according to security experts, although today is the day
its Website is due to experience a DOS attack from
Clues point to single MyDoom culprit
The two versions of the MyDoom virus may have the same
parent, according to a security researcher. The name
"andy" left in the code by the author of the MyDoom
virus links the original program released a week ago
with the B variant sent out two days later, Jimmy Kuo,
McAfee fellow for security company Network Associates,
said on Monday.
Microsoft sets up alternate Web site
SCO sidesteps MyDoom attacks
MyDoom's spread sparks antivirus critique,39020375,39145276,00.htm
MS Issues Explorer Fix, Girds for MyDoom
Mydoom a taste of viruses to come, says security expert,10801,89827,00.html
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SMS spammers target mobiles in Asia
Asian mobile users are being harassed by a
growing flood of spam, in a trend likely to
spread worldwide. If you thought spam problems
couldn't get any worse, check your mobile phone.
Mobile phones are becoming the latest target of
electronic junk mail, with a growing number of
marketers using text messages to target
subscribers in Asia.,39020348,39145289,00.htm
EC draws line in spam sand
US aims to plug global spam holes
There's No Spam Like American Spam
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Bush budget sweeps in tech, cybercrime
President George W. Bush on Monday proposed a
$2.4 trillion federal budget that boosts spending
on information technology and on computer crime
investigation. The record budget request for the
2005 fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1, 2004, asks
Congress to ignore a widening deficit of $521
billion and to increase defense spending by 7
percent and homeland security spending by 10
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File-sharing judges question precedent
A federal appeals judge on Tuesday questioned whether
distributors of online file-sharing software should
be held responsible for copyright infringement just
because some people use the programs to swap
copyright music and movies.
Taming the file-swapping beast
The Firefight Ahead Over Net Phone Calls
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Beware of Get Rich Quick Schemes
Attorney General Jon Bruning wants to raise awareness
of several scams going on and his message is. . . If
it's too good to be true then it probably is. . . .
Bruning held a press conference today to kick off the
fifth annual consumer protection week. Last year. . .
his office received the most complaints for internet
fraud schemes claiming to help you get rich quick.
Bruning says a lot of scams ask for money and consumers
should use caution. Postmaster Doug Emery says if you
receive anything that appears to be a mail fraud scheme
. . . contact postal inspection services in Omaha.
Anti-fraud scheme saves retailers PS2m
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No quick fix for security woes
Large companies need to take a long-term view of
security, putting one person in charge of protecting
an organisation's IT and physical assets.
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RFID: BT says 'yes', survey says 'no'
BT has announced that a newly created business
unit will use software agent technology to help
companies better manage radio frequency
identification (RFID) projects. But despite
increased momentum, research this week claims
RFID is failing to catch on in UK companies.,39020330,39145285,00.htm
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'Were Making Rapid Progress'
Can the new National Cyber Alert System help stop
the spread of future viruses? National Cyber Security
Division director Amit Yoran explains the alert system
and other efforts with the private sector that the
government hopes will soon make cyberspace safer.
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Nessus, Part 3: Analysing Reports
This article, the last in the series about Nessus,
will endeavor to explain a Nessus report and how
to analyze it. Nessus is a vulnerability scanner,
a program that looks for security bugs in software.
The first article explained how to install Nessus
and a basic overview of features. The second article
gave general rules of thumb for various scanning
situations. It is suggested that you review the
first two articles before reading this one.
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MikeRoweSoft bids fail to make the grade
After excluding some bidders, Canadian teen
Mike Rowe may get only the reserve price for an
eBay auction of papers chronicling his trademark
dispute with Microsoft. Sky-high bids for papers
associated with the trademark dustup between
Microsoft and came crashing
to earth on Monday, after the seller put a
curb on who could bid.,39020372,39145277,00.htm
Computer Forensics Training - Online. An intense, 150 hour,
instructor lead program that teaches you computer forensics
and helps prepare you for the Certified Computer Examiner
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