NewsBits for October 20, 2003 sponsored by,
Southeast Cybercrime Institute -
Woman Sentenced for Invading E-Mail Privacy
A judge sentenced an Arizona woman to 60 days of home
detention for intercepting her husband's ex-wife's e-mail,
saying the penalty is a warning to others. "Privacy is
still a cherished value," U.S. District Judge Richard
P. Matsch said in Denver when sentencing Angel Lee, 28,
of El Mirage, Ariz. Lee pleaded guilty in March and
admitted accessing at least 215 e-mails sent last year
to her husband's ex-wife, Duongladde Ramsay. Officials
said she fraudulently obtained the user name and password
information for Ramsay's e-mail account. Matsch has said
the e-mail case involved a vicious divorce dispute over
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Teen used nude photos, Net to swindle
A Gainesville teenager used an Internet conversation with
an adult and some naked photographs to blackmail the man
for hundreds of dollars, police say. The 16-year-old,
arrested Thursday, is charged with extortion in a case
that stems from a March conversation over the Internet,
the Gainesville Police Department reported. The teenager
is accused of asking for nude photos of a 26-year-old
Maryland man. After the adult e-mailed the photos,
the teen told the man his true age and threatened
him, saying if he didn't send money the police
would be notified.
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Internet Sting Nets Federal Employee
The state Attorney General's office has announced the
arrest of a federal employee from Delaware County as part
of an undercover Internet sex investigation. Authorities
say the man attempted to arrange a sexual encounter with
an undercover agent posing as a 12-year old girl on the
Internet. The agent was working with the Child Sexual
Exploitation Task Force. The Attorney General's office
today announced the arrest of 46-year-old Dominic Garofano
of Lansdowne. He was apprehended at his workplace, the
U-S Housing and Urban Development Office in Philadelphia.
Members of HUD's Inspector General's Office confronted
Garofano at his work station while he was attempting
to open a file he thought was a picture of the underage
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Porn's newest calling: Phones
Mobile phones in Europe come with bells and whistles mostly
unheard of in the United States. Miniature color screens
and tiny speakers are standard. Sports shorts, film clips
and music videos can be obtained by dialing a few numbers.
But the latest feature -- fast access to high-quality video
-- is setting off alarms among child protection advocates.
The medium, it turns out, is also well-suited to the
unfettered distribution of pornography.
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Judge to hear motions in Silicon Valley economic espionage case
In November 2001, two men were arrested at San Francisco
International Airport with tickets to China and, prosecutors
allege, suitcases packed with trade secrets swiped from high-
tech companies. On Monday, in San Jose, Calif. U.S. District
Judge James Ware is scheduled to hear pretrial motions in
the case against Fei Ye and Ming Zhong, who are charged
with stealing corporate secrets and conspiracy.
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Anti-scam site beats domain attack
Anti-scam website has been vindicated
in a domain dispute judgement brought by the subject
of its attention - European City Guide. The National
Arbitration Forum refused ECGs request that the
domain be handed over to it for alleged trademark
infringement. Instead, it followed an increasing
body of arbitration decisions supporting protest
sites that use the words stop and sucks to
describe their critical approach to companies.
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Senators propose Patriot Act limitations
A bipartisan group of senators this week announced
the latest in a steady trickle of legislative proposals
to trim back some of the enhanced search and surveillance
powers granted to law enforcement under the USA-PATRIOT
Act. Under the proposed Security and Freedom Ensured Act
(SAFE), the FBI would no longer be able to obtain "sneak
and peek" warrants allowing them to secretly enter a
person's home or office, except in cases when an overt
search would endanger someone's physical safety, result
in a flight from prosecution, or permit the destruction
of evidence.
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Police push Internet safety
The Wayne County Sheriff's Internet Crime Unit has caught
17 child predators in 10 months, prompting officers
to launch a prevention effort in local schools aimed
at keeping teens from becoming victims. One in five
U.S. teen-agers who regularly log onto the Internet
say they've received unwanted sexual solicitations
via the Web, according to officers who visited Dearborn
Heights' Annapolis High School. Even some of the school's
most computer-savvy teens were shocked by what they
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Romania Emerges As Nexus of Cybercrime
It was nearly 70 degrees below zero outside, but
the e-mail on a computer at the South Pole Research
Center sent a different kind of chill through the
scientists inside. "I've hacked into the server.
Pay me off or I'll sell the station's data to another
country and tell the world how vulnerable you are,"
the message warned.
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FBI uses Convera for searching terror data
The FBI awarded a contract to Convera to provide
a search and categorization platform for the bureau's
investigative data warehouse. The initial cost of the
deployment of Convera's RetrievalWare software is
about $1.5 million, according to company officials.
RetrievalWare will be used as a search platform for
a counterterrorism and intelligence data repository
that is part of the FBI's Secure Collaborative
Operational Prototype Environment (SCOPE).
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Microsoft pushes for security in Longhorn
Microsoft will preview its forthcoming server-stack
software at the Professional Developers Conference
in Los Angeles. Developers will get an in-depth
technical review of Longhorn, the next iteration
of Windows. Microsoft is also expected to focus
attention on Longhorn's underlying graphics and
Aero, the new user interface.
Bug-hunting becomes mass effort,39020387,39117221,00.htm
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VeriSign puts its security news online
Internet infrastructure company VeriSign last week
released the first of its VeriSign Internet Security
Intelligence Briefing papers.
Symantec tackles patchwork approach to patching
Network Associates Launches New Integrated Security Application
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NetScreen firms firewalls against app attacks
NetScreen Technologies is to integrate intrusion
protection technology into its range of hardware
firewalls this winter as part of its plans to provide
more robust defences against application-level attacks.
Firewalls were traditionally designed to guard against
network-level attacks - such as IP spoofing and port/
network scans - but as more sophisticated application-
layer attacks, such as worms and exploits of known
software vulnerabilities, have become increasingly
common a need has arisen to rejig corporate defences.
Kaspersky strengthens Anti-Hacker firewall
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Disclosure Plan Won't Help
Encouraging publicly-traded companies to disclose their
cyber security efforts would only force them to choose
between providing vague and useless platitudes, or
specific and dangerous details. In an effort to shore
up the security of the nation's critical infrastructures,
the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security
recently proposed that all publicly-traded companies
disclose in their filings with the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission precisely what they are doing to
protect the security, confidentiality, integrity and
availability of their electronic information and
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P2P battle brews in D.C.
Even casual observers of the moral swamp called
Washington, D.C., may remember the notorious Hollings
bill, a mandatory copy protection proposal last year,
which Hollywood's lobbyists loved and Silicon Valley
Kinder, Gentler RIAA
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Retail wireless security: a few considerations
Wireless computing can make your retail operation run
more smoothly and quickly. Retailers worldwide are making
the move to wireless computing, both for the flexibility
it brings to in-store operations and the speed it adds
to business processes. Mobile platforms and wireless
networks allow retailers to complete transactions and
authorizations while collecting data from any location,
at any time, with a variety of devices.,10,1,1020,03.html
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Spam inspires musos to song
Proving artists can take inspiration from the most
unlikely of sources, a group of musicians has produced
a compilation of songs inspired by and titled after
the subject lines of spam messages. The Outside the
Inbox compilation features 14 tracks by a variety
of musicians, in a variety of styles, ranging from
the wistful country melodies of I Got Your Letter
to the experimental, techno beat of Urgent Business
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