NewsBits for June 23, 2003 sponsored by,
Southeast Cybercrime Institute -
High Court Upholds Library Web Filters
The Supreme Court said Monday the government can require
public libraries to equip computers with anti-pornography
filters, rejecting librarians' complaints that the law
amounts to censorship. More than 14 million people
a year use public library computers, including many
children, and the court said patrons of all ages were
being exposed to unseemly sex sites on the Web.,1283,59359,00.html,,t269-s2136442,00.html
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Man Accused of Hacking Into University
A 21-year-old student was arrested for allegedly hacking
into a university computer system during student elections
to cast hundreds of votes for a made-up candidate he named
American Ninja. Shawn Nematbakhsh, a computer science major
at the University of California, Riverside, was arrested
Friday for investigation of drug possession and altering
computer data without permission. If convicted, he could
face up to three years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
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New Harry Potter book pirated
Last month, rumors swirled that Internet pirates were
distributing copies of the new Harry Potter book well
in advance of its blockbuster release. The rumors proved
false or, at least, premature. The moment that Harry
Potter and the Order of the Phoenix went on sale around
the world, pirates went to work. Only hours after the
first Potter fan forked over $29.95 to read the fifth
installment of J.K. Rowlings epic series, Internet
pirates began reading the book for free.
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Fortnight worm redirects to porn sites
A worm targeting unpatched systems sets up redirects
and bookmarkes for porn sites - and is activated
without an attachment being opened. Failure to patch
a three-year-old Microsoft vulnerability is leaving
home and business users exposed to a JavaScript worm
that redirects Internet Explorer to porn sites.,,t269-s2136396,00.html
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Has Internet mystery code been tracked?
Worm? Trojan? Attack tool? Network administrators
and security experts continue to search for the cause
of an increasing amount of odd data that has been
detected on the Internet. Security software firm
Internet Security Systems (ISS) on Thursday declared
victory, saying that a new hacker tool that scans
for paths into public networks was responsible.
But many other security professionals--including
those at Intrusec, the company that originally
tracked down the hard-to-find code--believe that
ISS jumped the gun.
Mysterious Net traffic puzzles experts,,t269-s2136377,00.html
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Microsoft appeals French piracy fine
Microsoft went to court in France last week to appeal
its conviction in 2001 for software piracy, for which
it was ordered to pay $425,000 in damages, costs and
interest. Today we publish an eyewitness account of
the appeal by Lionel Berthomier, who has been covering
the case almost single-handedly since 1996.
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Law Gives Hacking Victims Right to Know
California consumers will learn next month whether their
favorite shopping sites are steeled against computer
fraud or are haunted by hackers and identity thieves.
Starting July 1, companies must warn California customers
of security holes in their corporate computer networks.
When a retailer discovers that credit card numbers in
its files have been stolen, it must e-mail customers,
essentially saying, "We've been hacked, and the hacker
may have your credit card number.",1,1602711.story
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Napster Court Case Pits Label vs. Label
Two years after music industry lawyers pounded
Napster Inc. into submission, the major record
companies are pointing fingers at each other over
the flourishing of online music piracy. AOL Time
Warner Inc.'s Universal Music Group, EMI Music
and a cadre of publishers blame Bertelsmann,
claiming the German media giant abetted copyright
infringement by supporting Napster financially in
2000 and 2001. Bertelsmann says its accusers are
at least partly responsible because they missed
the chance to turn Napster's song-stealing users
into paying customers.
(LA Times article, free registration required),1,7458431.story
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Ashcroft: Help disrupt terror nets
Attorney General John Ashcroft called on the business
community today to help dismantle potential terrorist
threats facing the United States. "We recognize that
citizens and private businesses have information,
knowledge and capabilities that can help in the war
against terrorism. We also recognize that information
sharing is a two-way street," Ashcroft said.
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One in five US firms have sacked workers for email abuse
One in five (22 per cent) US companies have fired
an employee for abusing corporate email facilities,
according to a survey published today. The survey
from the American Management Association, Clearswift,
and The ePolicy Institute also found out that workers
spend about a quarter (25 per cent) of their working
day dealing with email.
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FBI, private companies team up for Infragard conference
Power plants, bridges and buildings aren't the only
things vital to national security -- computer networks
also are crucial. And the FBI can't keep an eye on
everything. So a unique partnership called the Infragard
program has developed between the FBI and 8,300 companies
to share information about both cyber and physical threats.
On Monday, experts from around the country were expected
to gather for the program's first national conference
in Washington, D.C. Some 1,500 people were expected
to attend the three-day meetings. ``It's going to be
a whole new business growth area,'' said Paul Bracken,
an information technology and security expert at the
Yale School of Management. The program, started in
1996, was growing slowly but steadily until the terrorist
attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, made security the top priority
for the FBI.
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Computing is key force in war on terror
As far as Matt Calkins is concerned, ensuring that
government agencies have the right technology can
be the difference between life and death. After the
Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, U.S. intelligence
agencies and the FBI were widely criticized for not
recognizing the threat despite myriad clues. Many
industry veterans believe that better technology
could have significantly increased the chances
of detecting information that might have prevented
the disaster.
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Cybercrime on the rise
Cyndi Miller knows she's smart and well-educated,
and she knows that old saw about how some things really
are too good to be true. And she still got suckered.
It happened when Miller completed an online job
application, aced a brief phone interview and landed
what she thought was a good job opening at a Utah office
for a national human resources company. When her new
employer asked for her checking account number so that
he could wire her paychecks to her, she didn't hesitate.
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OPM gives agencies direct-hire authority
Agencies needing to fill IT security positions quickly
now have the authority to directly hire these individuals.
Kay Coles James, director of the Office of Personnel
Management, today sent a memo to agency heads and Chief
Human Capital Officers granting these and other initial
authorities under regulations her agency published in
the Federal Register June 13. Congress gave OPM direct-
hire authority in the Homeland Security Act of 2002.
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Microsoft names new privacy chief
Microsoft announced Monday that Peter Cullen, the
corporate privacy officer for the Royal Bank of Canada,
will be joining the software giant as its new chief
privacy strategist. The top privacy officer has more
than a decade of experience in the field, including
establishing the Royal Bank of Canada's best practices
for data handling in Canada and the United States,
said the company in a statement. Cullen will join
Microsoft on July 14, reporting to Scott Charney,
the company's chief strategist in charge of its
"Trustworthy Computing" initiative. The Redmond,
Wash. software giant launched the corporate
initiative in January 2002 as a way to secure
its products, raise reliability and regain
consumer trust.,10801,82423,00.html
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Giants line up to can spam
Vendors and pressure groups last week intensified
their efforts to crack down on spam, which continues
to plague corporate email systems. However, experts
said that the situation is unlikely to improve without
the strengthening of national laws and the introduction
of tough, globally-agreed legislation.
Setting the rules for ISPs and spammers
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Symantec Strengthens IDS
As traditional intrusion detection systems continue to
come under criticism for inherent weaknesses, security
vendors are introducing products with more advanced
intrusion prevention and protection capabilities. Among
them, Symantec Corp. this week plans to unveil a revised
Symantec intrusion protection system. One of the main
components of the new framework is the company's Host
IDS 4.1, which includes a process management feature that
can help defeat buffer overrun and Trojan horse attacks.,3959,1133143,00.asp,10801,82422,00.html
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Are we on the verge of self-service security?
The very nature of security and the growing realisation
that the perimeter is dissolving means that a new approach
to securing information systems is required. Anyone
familiar with the "twenty-doors" problem will realise
that even by locking 19 doors security is not 95% but
0%. You have to see the whole picture.
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EU backs biometric passports
European Union governments last week agreed to embed
computer chips containing biometric data in passports.
The plans to create passports carrying information
on a person's fingerprint or retinal scans are
presented as a way to reduce counterfeiting and fraud.
Biometric chips would also be implanted in visas issued
to foreign nationals travelling to Europe.
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From the Booby Hatch
Senator Orrin Hatch says he wants to destroy music
swappers' computers, but what he really means is that
kids today have no respect for their elders. "Powerful
Senator Endorses Destroying Computers of Illegal Music
Downloaders!" trumpeted the Associated Press last week.
What a tremendous headline! Orrin Hatch wants to smash
the PCs of pirates.
Senator's 'Extreme' Piracy Remedy Draws Criticism,10801,82374,00.html?SKC=security-82374
Piracy Paranoia Proves Counterproductive
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Lik-Sang founder speaks out on Nintendo court case
Following last week's triumphant announcement by
Nintendo that it had won a victory over Hong Kong
based mail order retailer Lik-Sang, one of the
company's founders, Alex Kampl, has spoken publicly
about the ruling. We were also contacted this week
by Pacific Game, the company which took over the
running of last November, who pointed
out that the current court case does not affect
the mail order service as it stands now, since
Pacific Game and are not named as
defendants in the case.
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The Folly of Publishing the Slammer Code
If even one business or home PC is inconvenienced
(or worse) by an amateur hacker inspired by the
Wired article, then the magazine's PR stunt will
have seriously backfired. The Slammer worm, also
known as the SQL Slammer, was one of the most
ferocious virus attacks the Internet has ever seen.
And if you want to find the underlying code for this
nasty little worm, you need only pick up the latest
issue of Wired magazine.
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Securing PHP: Step-by-step
In my previous article ("Securing Apache: Step-by-Step")
I described the method of securing the Apache web server
against unauthorized access from the Internet. Thanks
to the described method it was possible to achieve a
high level of security, but only when static HTML pages
were served. But how can one improve security when
interaction with the user is necessary and the users'
data must be saved into a local database? This article
shows the basic steps in securing PHP, one of the most
popular scripting languages used to create dynamic web
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Future Threats Could Include Convergence of Terrorism, OC
A top U.S. law enforcement official says that while
the United States has made progress in the war on
terrorism, future threats could include a combination
of terrorists and organized crime. Director Mueller
says the FBI has made great strides in combating
terrorism since the 2001 terrorist attacks. But he
also says that Americans need to realize that the
nature of the threat against the United States will
probably change in the near future.
Internet as an intelligence tool
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DOD IG pulls report off Web site
At the request of the National Imagery and Mapping
Agency, the Defense Department inspector general's
office recently pulled a report off its Web site
to determine whether some information should be re-
classified and not in the public domain. The June 6
report noted that procurement officials at NIMA had
not complied with appropriate contracting policies
and procedures in awarding some recent professional
and technical service contracts. NIMA's actions
included omitting documents required by the Federal
Acquisition Regulation, the report said.
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