NewsBits for June 4, 2003 sponsored by,
Southeast Cybercrime Institute -
Pair charged with burglary after stolen item shows up on eBay
A police detective's hunch to log on to an Internet
auction site has led to the arrest of two men on
burglary charges. Richard Petrou, 18, of New Milford,
was arrested Monday after authorities said he tried to
sell a stolen radio on e-Bay. After using a subpoena
to get the seller's name, police set up an account at
the site and placed a winning $200 bid for the radio.
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Guard indicted in deletion of protective orders
A grand jury has indicted a jail guard on charges
of deleting nearly 500 court protection orders that
authorities suspect were lost when he tried to erase
an order involving a friend. Protection orders typically
are issued to prohibit suspects of spousal abuse or
stalking from having contact with a victim. Hector
Delgado, 32, was indicted Tuesday on felony counts
of tampering with records and unauthorized use of
a computer. If convicted, he faces up to five years
in prison.
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Virus update: Sobig.C has it in for the UK
Sobig.C is now the most prevalent worm on the internet,
and the UK is bearing the brunt of its attack. The
latest variant of the Sobig computer virus gathered
momentum yesterday, accounting for about 32,000 email
messages, according to MessageLabs. The surge in email
messages containing the worm pushed Sobig.C to the top
position on the UK company's list of most prevalent
threats. As of Wednesday morning, MessageLabs said
its servers have stopped just over 84,000 copies of
the worm since it was first detected over the weekend.,,t269-s2135578,00.html
New version of 'Sobig' virus spreading
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Verizon to hand names over to RIAA
update Verizon Communications said Wednesday that
it will turn over to a recording industry trade
group the names of four anonymous subscribers
accused of illegal file swapping, after an appellate
panel denied the company's request for a delay.
In a victory for copyright holders, a panel of the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
refused to intervene in the case and protect the
subscribers' identities while the case moves forward.
However, final victory for the recording industry is
still a ways off, with a pending appeal scheduled for
a hearing in September that could vindicate Verizon.
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Law gets tough on cybercrimes
The Legislative Yuan passed changes to the Criminal
Code that are intended to make hackers think twice
before engaging in destructive behavior The legislature
passed several amendments to the Criminal Code yesterday
to toughen penalties for cybercrime in a bid to improve
the country's ability to combat computer crime. The
revisions, proposed by the Ministry of the Interior
and the Ministry of Justice, target hackers who design
and spread computer viruses or worms or access other
people's computers without their authorization.
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EU cybercrime plans may be put on hold
Plans for a European agency to tackle cybercrime
such as computer viruses and terror attacks may
be sidelined because governments want to monitor
it too tightly, the European Union said Wednesday.
The European Network and Information Security
Agency, which would play a key advisory role
to the 15 EU governments on how to combat Web-
related threats, was expected to be up and running
by the end of this year. However, member states
now say they want to directly appoint members
of the management board, which would oversee the
work of the agency. They are also seeking to ax
a planned advisory panel meant to give voice to
the industry, EU officials said.
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Mass. could be fifth state to adopt anti-UCITA law
A Massachusetts legislative committee held a hearing
this week on an anti-UCITA bill, and the state could
become the fifth to enact a law whose sole purpose
is to protect its residents and businesses from the
controversial software licensing law. The hearing
underscores the difficulties that have confronted
backers of the Uniform Computer Information
Transaction Act (UCITA). Only two states, Virginia
in 2001 and Maryland in 2000, have enacted the model
legislation, while four states have adopted anti-
UCITA measures. UCITA's progress toward state-by-
state adoption appears, for now, to be stalled.,10801,81812,00.html
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Davis announces support for bill protecting privacy
Gov. Gray Davis has thrown his support behind a
financial privacy bill that would clamp down on the
trading of consumers' personal information and could
become a blueprint for a national law. The bill,
SB 1, prevents financial institutions from sharing
information with third-party companies unless they
first get permission from customers.
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Senator wants limits on copy protection
A conservative Republican senator said Wednesday
that he has drafted a bill that would scale back
the ability of record labels, movie studios and
software companies to use anticopying technology.
The bill, authored by Sen. Sam Brownback, would
regulate digital rights management systems, granting
consumers the right to resell copy-protected products
and requiring digital media manufacturers to
prominently disclose to consumers the presence
of anticopying technology in their products.
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Broadband Internet Use Has Its Risks, Study Finds
Besides speed, the most coveted feature of a broadband
connection is that it is always on. But according
to a study that is scheduled to be released today,
those two advantages are exposing broadband customers
to far greater risk than most of them realize. The
study, conducted by the National Cyber Security Alliance,
highlights the chasm between the assumptions of consumers
about the security of their Internet connection and the
reality. The result is a high risk of hacking, viruses
and identity theft, according to Keith Nahigian, the
spokesman for the alliance and a consultant to the
Office of Homeland Security.
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Experts question security of medical records
Electronic medical records can easily by hacked,
security experts say, raising privacy concerns
as more information is entrusted to the system.
"The probability that I will be able to break into
a password encrypted system is very close to 100 per
cent," Tony Nelson, a computer security expert, said.
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Linux security breaches at all time high
Windows stood up better, company claims. A UK BASED
security firm claimed today that digital attacks
on Web sites using the Linux operating system have
reached an all-time high over the last three months.
British firm mi2g claimed that Windows based servers
were more resilient from March to May for corporate
and government systems. It issued figures saying that
the reason for the vulnerabilities was down to improperly
configured systems, lack of a "trustworthy" computing
initiative, and corporations choosing Linux because
of its cost but not costing in technical support
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World faces 'spiralling Internet piracy problem'
The software industry is facing a "spiralling Internet
piracy problem" that threatens to reverse a global
trend that has seen the thieving of commercial
software decline over the last eight years.
In its latest annual study the Business Software
Alliance (BSA) claims that software piracy has
decreased 10 points (from 49 per cent to 39 per
cent) since 1994, thanks to increased education
and tighter legislation.
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Group drafts a truce in flaw dispute
A security coalition has published draft guidelines
for issuing bug alerts, a bid to temper a hot debate
over when and how alerts should be released. The draft
rules were released Wednesday by the Organization for
Internet Safety (OIS), a group composed of software
companies and security firms, which have found
themselves on opposite sides of the debate. Scott
Culp, senior security strategist for Microsoft,
said the document is intended to keep both
researchers and software makers honest.
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Security standards could bolster file-sharing networks
Plans to build security features into personal
computers to make unauthorised digital copying more
difficult could backfire by strengthening controversial
peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, say US researchers.
Peer-to-peer programs such as Kazaa and Morpheus let
users scour each other's hard drives for music and
other files though a decentralised network. The
entertainment industry has targeted the companies
behind these programs because many shared files
are protected by copyright.
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Girls Teach Teen Cyber Gab to FBI Agents
Md. Students Help Catch Pedophiles On the Internet
As undercover assignments go, posing as a teenage
girl online to catch pedophiles has its share of
challenges for the typical FBI agent. Should he ever
capitalize words in instant messages? Is it okay to
say you buy your clothes at 5-7-9? And what about
Justin Timberlake? Is he still hot or is he so two
years ago? For those investigative details, the FBI
calls on Karen, Mary and Kristin -- Howard County
eighth-graders and best friends.
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HHS boosting cybersecurity
The Department of Health and Human Services has
expanded its contract with iDefense Inc. to provide
cyberthreat intelligence to the entire department.
Reston, Va.-based iDefense will help the department
protect its computers, networks and Internet functions
with the company's iAlert intelligence service.
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Windows Server 2003 gets first patch
Less than two months after launching its Windows
Server 2003 operating system, Microsoft has released
a security patch to fix a vulnerability that could
let malicious sites run damaging code on the server.
Although security experts--even those at Microsoft
itself--had pointed to the company's latest server
OS as the first test of the software giant's massive
Trustworthy Computing initiative, representatives
maintained that the patch did not mean the release
had been a failure in its security practices.,,t269-s2135625,00.html,10801,81815,00.html
Microsoft Gets Serious About Security?
Microsoft promises to patch up patches
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Microsoft adds spam filtering to MSN 8
The latest version of MSN will include a new spam filtering
algorithm and better content control for parents. Microsoft
said it will release an updated version of its MSN Internet
service on Wednesday, the latest salvo in its ongoing campaign
to unseat AOL. The latest update to MSN 8 focuses on beefing
up software to block unsolicited bulk email and adds new
parental controls. A sneak peek of the software made its
rounds on the Net in April under the guise "MSN 8.5.",,t269-s2135589,00.html
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.NET 'more secure' than WebSphere
Security consultancy @stake has completed a
comparative security analysis of Microsoft's .NET
Framework and IBM's WebSphere development environment
which concludes that Redmond's environment takes less
effort to secure. Although touted as independent the
analysis was funded by Microsoft, a point openly
disclosed by @stake openly discloses. For the record,
@stake compared Microsoft's .NET Framework Version
1.1, running in Windows Server 2003, and IBM's
WebSphere Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
framework, running in both Unix and Linux
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Learning to Love Big Brother
Microsoft's digital rights management (DRM) may
have implications for security professionals. But
the physical difficulty of meeting was enormous.
It was like trying to make a move at chess when
you were already mated. Whichever way you turned,
the telescreen faced you. (George Orwell's 1984)
DRM: Digital Rights Management. Or, as some prefer
to call it, Digital Restrictions Management.
Basically, the idea is that the creators, and/or
owners, of digital content - a song, a video,
a document, even an email - should be able to
dictate how that content is used and who can use
it. It's an issue that security pros need to be
intimately familiar with.
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Spam Is in Eye of the Beholder
E-mail that features an exuberant sprinkling of
exclamation points is almost guaranteed to provoke
petulance in potential clients, according to Michelle
Feit, president of ePostDirect. Free is another word
that sparks sudden skepticism and must be used
with extreme care.,1367,59089,00.html
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Better data sharing key to fighting terrorism
Top-notch intelligence is truly a first line of defense
against terrorist attacks, and federal agencies must
make greater efforts to collect, digest and share
data, a former CIA director said today. Stansfield
Turner, speaking at an industry-sponsored conference
in Washington, blended broad recommendations for
better intelligence gathering with observations of
evolving U.S. foreign policy and how they relate to
fighting terrorists. What we want to do is cut them
off at the pass. We dont want to wait until a 9-11
has happened, Turner said. That means we need
to know who they are, when they are going to
operate, where and against what.
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'Poindexter's nutty scheme'
Bruce Sterling calls himself an author, a journalist
and an editor--and all that is true. But Sterling,
who wrote "The Hacker Crackdown," is also a contrarian
and a leading cultural critic of modern technology.
From his home in Austin, Texas, Sterling has written
popular science fiction novels such as "Islands in
the Net," "Distraction," "Heavy Weather" and, with
co-author William Gibson, "The Difference Engine."
In technology circles, Sterling is almost as known
for his droll conference speeches through which he
dispatches politicians and corporate titans alike
with Mark Twain-like wit and precision.
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Smartcams Take Aim at Terrorists
The Department of Defense believes intelligent DIVAs
can fight terrorism. This isn't about overpaid celebrities
with high heels and machine guns. You can watch for those
divas on The Jerry Springer Show. These distributed digital
video arrays, or DIVAs, are collections of really smart
cameras able to detect and identify an individual in
a crowded train station and track him wherever he goes
-- out of the station, into the parking lot, onto the
freeway and so on.,1282,59092,00.html
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U.S. reviewing old, secret surveillance files
Government prosecutors are reviewing years worth
of sensitive telephone and e-mail wiretaps and
results from secret searches to decide whether
they can file criminal charges against suspected
terrorists in the United States. Senior prosecutors
from across the country met Wednesday at the Justice
Department with Attorney General John Ashcroft,
who ordered the review. They said the examination
of more than 4,500 intelligence files is guiding
the government's pursuit of what Ashcroft described
as "hundreds and hundreds" of suspected terrorists
in this country.
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UN group decides passports will include facial biometrics
An international aviation security body has developed
draft standards for embedding biometrics into machine-
readable travel documents such as passports, though
details of the requirements must be resolved over
the next several months, a State Department official
said. The International Civil Aviation Organization,
a specialized United Nations agency based in Montreal,
has approved its working groups recommendation of
facial recognition as the biometric technology of
choice for travel documents. The group also selected
high-capacity, contactless integrated circuit chips
to store the digital images on the documents.
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Imaging software helps ID suspect in La. murders
Sheriffs deputies in St. Martin Parish, La.,
used composite imaging technology to help identify
Derrick Todd Lee, who is charged in the rape and
murder of five women in south Louisiana. Lee was
arrested May 27 in Atlanta. Sheriff Mike Neustrom's
office used Faces software from IQ Biometrix Inc.
of Fremont, Calif., to construct a photo likeness
of the suspect from victim and witness interviews
before DNA results provided his identity.
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