NewsBits for April 3, 2003 sponsored by,
Southeast Cybercrime Institute -
Computers stolen from New Mexicos Environment Department
Thieves stole eight computers from New Mexicos
Environment Department. Police said the theft
occurred the night of March 27 or early March 28.
The thieves stole only PCs and left behind monitors
and keyboards. They left the server, too, said
John Goldstein, communications director for the
Environment Department. The computers contained
information on the licensing of radioactive
materials at 210 businesses, but state officials
said they could not determine if the culprits
were terrorists or simply burglars.
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Hackers target Florida Congresswoman in e-mail prank
A hacker broke into a congresswoman's e-mail account
Wednesday and used it to send a message condemning
President Bush and the war in Iraq, her office said.
Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite drew attention last month
when she proposed legislation to let families of
Americans buried in France during the world wars
bring home the remains if they are offended by
France's stance against the war in Iraq. It wasn't
known if the hacker's motives involved that bill.
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Microsoft manager facing trial for software theft dies
A Microsoft manager accused of stealing $9 million
worth of software to buy fancy cars, diamond rings
and a yacht died from drinking antifreeze, the King
County Medical Examiner's Office reported. Toxicology
tests following the Feb. 7 death of Daniel Feussner,
32, showed high levels of ethylene glycol, the main
ingredient in antifreeze, investigators said Monday.
At the time, Feussner was free on bail after being
charged in federal court with 15 counts of mail,
wire and computer fraud.
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Child porn suspect pleads guilty to less severe charge
David B. Huggins, 42, faced up to 15 years in prison
after pleading guilty to downloading child pornography
off the Internet on his home computer. Instead, because
of an ex-FBI agent's misleading statements on a search
warrant, Huggins was allowed to plead guilty Wednesday
to the lesser charge of knowingly using a computer
service to transport obscene material in interstate
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A TEACHER has been ordered to sign the sex offenders
register after he was caught with child porn. Jonathan
Lister, 41, of Coniston Road, Hanging Heaton, Dewsbury,
admitted 20 charges of possessing indecent photographs.
Lister has been sacked as a secondary school supply
teacher in Kirklees, working in different schools.
Lister, who is single, had been living with his 69-
year-old mother when police raided his home at 7am
on February 17. The court heard he had around 300
images stored, featuring images of scantily-dressed
girls aged 9-11. Prosecutor Zafar Siddique said the
case came to attention of West Yorkshire Police after
the National Criminal Intelligence Service received
information that Lister had paid $19.95 for a gold
subscription to a US based website.
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Teacher facing child pornography charges
A long-time Mississauga teacher who taught children
as young as 12 was charged yesterday with possessing
child pornography. Peel Police arrested 61-year-old
Donald Curtis at his Mississauga home Monday following
a search in which investigators seized a computer
and found images of child pornography. Morality Bureau
officers were tipped off by law enforcement authorities
in the United States that a man here had ordered video
tapes on the Internet depicting child porn. Most of
the tapes and images seized were allegedly from the
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60-Year-Old Faces Porn Charge
A preliminary hearing has been continued in Lackawanna
County for a man charged with downloading child
pornography from a computer at the Scranton Public
Library. Investigators say 60-year-old Michael Baranow
downloaded the pictures from the computer on March
13th. Baranow has been arrested in the past. Authorities
say he served three years in the Wayne County Prison
for sexual abuse and possession of obscene material.
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County security chief under fire
Peter Ekanem, Santa Clara County's top information
security officer, is facing possible criminal charges
for unauthorized use of his office computer and cell
phone, actions that amount to security breaches.
Ekanem, who is under investigation by the district
attorney's office, was placed on paid administrative
leave Feb. 3, leaving the county without its top expert
on protecting computer systems from intruders while
the nation is on heightened alert against terrorism.
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File-Trading Hoax Snares Victims
An executive who claimed to have developed a file-
trading service that intentionally flouted copyright
protection laws revealed Wednesday that he made the
whole thing up for a laugh -- and to sell a book.
The Honest Thief was announced in February as a new
service from PGR BV, a Dutch Internet services company.
Pieter Plass, founder of PGR BV and president of CBB,
a Dutch construction company, said he cooked up the
lie as a joke and publicity stunt. "First of all,
I wanted to have some fun with this," he said.
"It's part of our culture to do April Fool's jokes.
You can't be a prankster without pulling somebody's leg.",1412,58319,00.html
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Intel e-mail issue divides court
The California Supreme Court on Wednesday appeared
deeply divided over how to balance free-speech rights
in cyberspace against a company's right to control
its e-mail systems, underscoring the high stakes
for Internet law in a bitter feud between Intel
and a disgruntled former employee.,1367,58330,00.html,,t269-s2132935,00.html,1,7430869.story
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Pennsylvania rejects requests to identify blocked Web sites
Pennsylvania's attorney general is citing laws
against distributing child pornography in refusing
to identify any of hundreds of Web sites his office
has forced the nation's largest Internet providers
to block under a unique state law. The legal stand
by the attorney general, Republican Mike Fisher,
stymies efforts by a prominent civil liberties group
to challenge an unorthodox strategy in Pennsylvania
to stem online child pornography.
Child Porn Law Creates Catch-22,1283,58336,00.html
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Simon waging court battle against similarly named Web firm
Giant shopping mall owner Simon Property Group Inc.
is pursuing its trademark infringement case against
California-based Internet shopping service mySimon,
despite a court setback. A judge threw out an August
2000 verdict that was in Simon's favor, citing new
evidence. U.S. District Judge David Hamilton
granted a new trial.
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Agencies Lag on Cybersecurity Readiness
Several key federal agencies have failed to meet
a four-year-old mandate to identify their most
important information systems, according to a
government report released today. The Commerce
and Energy departments, the Environmental Protection
Agency and the Department of Health and Human Services
have not done enough to figure out which of their
computers and networks need the most protection
from electronic attack, the General Accounting
Office said.
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Worms boost cyberattack stats for 2003
The number of security events detected by companies
in the first quarter of 2003 jumped nearly 84 percent
over the preceding three months, according to a report
that network-protection firm Internet Security Systems
plans to release Monday. The increase in events, which
can include minor probes for holes in network security
as well as major attacks, stems mainly from an increase
in worms and automated attack software, the company
said in a summary of the report, which was seen by
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Spam pips viruses as biggest web problem
Spam is overtaking viruses as the biggest pain
for businesses using the web. Monthly reports for
March from antivirus companies show that, while
virus activity is experiencing single digit growth,
spam is growing at between 10 and 30 per cent
and now accounts for one in every 2.8 emails.
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Users pay the price for poor security
Seven software security vulnerabilities were identified
every day in 2002, costing users millions of pounds
and damaging trust and confidence in the IT industry.
Figures from security vendor Symantec show that
2,524 vulnerabilities were identified last year
in more than 2,000 products.
Users: Companies need more 'holistic' view of IT security,10801,79983,00.html
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Do Privacy Fears Allow Terrorism?
If you don't want the government to do what it must
to protect you from terrorists, you should butt out,
said Heather MacDonald, a lawyer at the Manhattan
Institute, a conservative think tank. She made her
remarks Wednesday at the 13th annual Computers,
And, she urged, stop all the panic-stricken screaming,
because it's endangering human lives.,1848,58332,00.html
Spy plan critics called 'hysterical'
Net-privacy activists bemoan anti-terror agenda
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Copy-proof CDs flood Europe
Companies are wary of selling copy-resistant CDs
to Americans, but European consumers are seen as
less likely to complain. Copy-resistant CDs may still
be scarce in the United States, but signs are growing
that the technology is becoming increasingly mainstream
elsewhere and may finally break into the American
market this year.,,t269-s2132921,00.html
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Apache patch to thwart DoS attack
The Apache Software Foundation has released a patch
for its Apache 2.0 HTTP Server to thwart a "significant"
denial-of-service vulnerability. Apache, which makes
the popular open-source Web server application,
released version 2.0.45 to fix a denial-of-service
(DoS) problem. A DoS attack floods a network with
data, rendering it inaccessible to legitimate
queries. The vulnerability in version 2.0.44 affects
all operating systems, according to the advisory.
But Apache issued a specific warning for OS/2 users,
noting that for them the new patch still had a DoS
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No Code Is Unbreakable - So What's Good Enough?
When shopping for a new security solution, IT
executives should look for a company that backs
up its hype with detailed information on how its
product works, what algorithms are used and how
the product has been tested. Any computer security
expert will confirm there is no such thing as
unbreakable protection for networked systems.
However, there are products and methods that
are so time-consuming and computationally
expensive to crack that they are "good enough"
for all intents and purposes.
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Safeguarding Your Corporate Data
Vendors of storage technology have punted on security
so far, ceding the field to startups. As the E-Commerce
Times detailed in a recent story on data storage,
the last few years have seen a significant revolution
toward networked storage and away from disk drives and
tape loaders attached directly to corporate servers.
In fact, research firm IDC has estimated that by 2006,
more than 70 percent of storage will be networked via
fibre channel or Ethernet, rather than attached locally
to a server via SCSI or another conventional type
of disk connection.
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FBI designing vast terrorism database
The FBI is testing a limited version of an electronic
counterterrorism system that officials hope will
revolutionize the way agents collect and understand
information, FBI officials said Thursday. As part
of an ongoing technology upgrade, the FBI is building
a massive database to store case information, leads,
intelligence and even newspaper and magazine articles
related to terrorism. Articles, the names of suspected
terrorists on watch lists and terrorism-related message
traffic from the Defense Department and the CIA have
been placed into the database, which is being tested
by some agents, according to Wilson Lowery, the FBI
executive assistant director leading the project.
Visa information from the State Department will
be added to the database within 60 days, he said.
FBI showcases Trilogy, information sharing
Report: Info sharing centers not sharing so much
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