December 26, 2002
ID thief turns to extorting victim
Pay $400 or Ill make your digital life miserable,
hacker says. Now its getting personal. A criminal
trying to turn stolen personal data into cash has
apparently seized on a new, low-tech method
direct threats. A California teacher who had her
identity stolen in early December managed to foil
most of the bank account transfers attempted by
the thief. So the criminal turned to personal
extortion instead, saying he would leave her
alone if she paid $400. When she ignored the
demand, the threats escalated: Im very angry,
he wrote. Now, you have one big trouble - me!
Ill hack all your passwords, all your accounts!
Ill spend all your money!
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FBI sets up a cybercrime center in South Carolina
The FBI, the Secret Service and state law
enforcement agencies last week opened a joint
South Carolina Computer Crime Center, which will
analyze electronic evidence of high-tech crimes
and train forensic specialists. Tom ONeill, FBI
spokesman for the Columbia field office, said in
a statement that there are similar centers in New
York City, San Diego and Texas, and the bureau
is working to establish other state and federal
partnerships in Los Angeles and Minneapolis.
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The Cybersecurity Industrial Complex
The Feds have a massive, multiagency plan to
protect the national information infrastructure.
Get ready for IT police and network smart bombs.
Since the dawn of the information age, computer
security commandos have battled the Four Horsemen
of the Infocalypse: child pornographers, drug
lords, mafiosi, and terrorists. A noble struggle,
to be sure, but mostly vaporwar. Computer cops
have long predicted that a massive cyberdisaster
would transform their field from an underfunded
annex into a law enforcement cornerstone.
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Report: FBI IT falls short
The FBI is not effectively managing the costs,
schedules and performance of its information
technology investments, including its multimillion-
dollar Trilogy program, according to the Justice
Department's Office of the Inspector General. In
a report released Dec. 19, auditors found that
the bureau does not have the management processes
necessary to support successful IT programs.
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DOD purchases fingerprint scanners
The Defense Department has ordered 450 new
fingerprint readers that will help the Defense
Manpower Data Center, DODs human resources
arm, double-check the identities of newly hired
employees. The department expects delivery of the
units, called DFR 2080 single fingerprint readers,
by Tuesday. Developed by Identix Inc. of Minnetonka,
Minn., and released about two months ago, the
scanners house new fingerprint imaging technology
with a 500 dot-per-inch resolution.
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Kroger lets shoppers pay via fingerprint
Suppose you endured the checkout line at the
grocery store only to find that you were short on
cash, or you'd forgotten your wallet. What if you
could settle the bill with just the touch of your
finger? Kroger Co., the largest U.S. supermarket
chain, is offering some customers just that
opportunity, testing finger imaging as a method
of payment in three of its Texas stores. A machine
scans the index finger, matching the customer's
unique fingerprint with the individual's account.
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