October 22, 2002
Attack intended to cripple Internet fails, experts say
The core servers that direct e-mail and Web
surfers to their desired destinations around
the world were attacked Monday in an apparently
coordinated attempt to cripple the Internet,
experts said Tuesday. The attack, which largely
failed, was launched around 5 p.m. EDT/9 p.m.
GMT Monday on the 13 root servers that make up
Internet's Domain Name System and lasted about
an hour, said Paul Vixie, chairman of Redwood
City, California-based Internet Software
Consortium Inc., which operates one of the
root servers.
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Man sentenced to 60 years for child pornography
The first South Dakota man nabbed in a nationwide
crackdown on child pornography has been sentenced
to 60 years in prison. Mathew Lee Mierkey, 36,
of Sioux Falls, pleaded guilty to 30 counts of
possession of child pornography and Monday became
the first defendant in the case to be sentenced.
The maximum sentence is two years in prison and
a $2,000 per-count fine. Chief Deputy Attorney
General Larry Long, who prosecuted the case in
Minnehaha County, said Mierkey had 30 photographs
on his computer of children younger than 10
engaged in sexual activity.
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UK ISPs balk at giving customer data to police
The Internet industry dealt a blow to Britain's
tough anti-terrorism legislation on Tuesday by
refusing to reveal personal cyber-data to police.
It has turned down a request from Home Secretary
David Blunkett to allow police and intelligence
officers to access the personal records of their
customers on request without the approval of
a judge.
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America Online launches kids' safety campaign
America Online is launching a new Internet-
safety campaign for kids built around an
automated instant-messaging "buddy" that
dispenses advice in real time. Kids can
add "AOLSafetyBot" to their buddy lists
of friends on AOL Instant Messenger. It's
programmed to answer, within seconds, such
questions as whether kids should agree to
physical meetings with online acquaintances
or reveal such personal information as their
address and age.
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Web of deceit
Whos sending you all those scam Nigerian e-mails?
Perhaps you heard from Daniel A. Oluwa over
the past few days. Hes a member of Nigerias
Federal Audit Committee. He dropped you an
e-mail, labeled Strictly Confidential,
stating that hes discovered a frozen account
containing $42.5 million. Mr. Oluwa wants to
snag the loot, but, for unfathomable reasons,
he needs a foreign-based partner to act as an
intermediary. Interested? Merely send along
your bank name, address, account number,
swift code, ABA number (if any), beneficiary
of account, telephone and fax numbers of bank.
Thirty percent of the booty shall eventually
be yours.
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Web Vandalism on the Rise
Web vandalism is on the rise around the world,
underscoring the shoddy state of affairs in IT
security, according to the owner of a Web site
that tracks such information. In the past two
weeks, Zone-H.org proprietor Roberto Preatoni
said defacements have increased to more than
500 separate attacks a day and more than 1,500
over weekends. A year ago, he said, his site
got around 30 to 50 defacement notices a day
from hackers.
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U.K. Retailers Receive the Most Viruses by E-Mail
In the United Kingdom, the virus per incoming
e-mail ratio for the retail industry during
2002 has been one virus per 24 e-mails. This
is hugely disparate with the leisure industry
(1:58), the sports and entertainment sector
(1:68) and the city and local government
sector (1:104). The best ratio of virus/
e-mails was found in the U.K.'s banking
and finance industry with one virus per
every 5,208 e-mails.
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Spam So Bad the Spammers Balk
The deluge of unsolicited e-mail, or spam, has
become such a scourge that even the world's
leading consumer marketing lobby says the time
has come for federal restrictions. The Direct
Marketing Association, which once opposed any
federal anti-spam legislation, says it will
now lobby for federal and state laws that aim
to control the growth of million-message batches
of e-mails flogging everything from raunchy
sex videos to carpet cleaning.
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IE flaws leave systems vulnerable
An Israeli Web-application company has warned
users of Internet Explorer that nine related
security flaws in the program could be used
by malicious hackers to gain access to a victim's
computer files. GreyMagic Software said Tuesday
that the vulnerabilities--eight of which it
deemed critical--could be exploited using
a specially coded Web page that would run
malicious programs on a victim's computer
if the victim visited the page.
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Baltimore packages up PKI
In an attempt to widen the appeal of PKI -
and make it easier for customers to understand
- Baltimore is packaging its public key
infrastructure technology into business suites.
Troubled security software firm Baltimore is
hoping to kick start the public Key infrastructure
(PKI) market by making the technology more
accessible with a suite of products.
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PGP reborn makes its pitch for the mainstream
Encryption products need to become as easy and
transparent to use as AV software packages.
That's the goal of Phil Dunkelberger, President
and CEO of PGP Corporation, who's over in London
this week for the European launch of the newly-
formed company. PGP Corporation was created to
market PGP Desktop and Wireless encryption
products bought from Network Associates back
in August. The deal ended month of speculation
over the future of the technology following
Network Associates' decision to mothball it
back in March.
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Agency adds do-it-yourself security
Instead of using the state government's virtual
private network solution to serve its far-flung
workforce, the Washington State Human Rights
Commission opted for a private approach that
was less expensive and easier for its employees
to install. The commission went live this
spring with a product Imperito Networks
Inc.'s SafeSecure Access that enables
people with little technical experience
to install software for access to agency
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Could a Worm Take Over the Net in Minutes?
Researchers are warning of dangerous new worms
that would be almost impossible to stop, but
not everyone is convinced. Computer science
researchers are predicting new types of
dangerous worms that would be able to infect
Web servers, browsers, and other software
so quickly that the working Internet itself
could be taken over in a matter of minutes.
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Customs planning classified net
The U.S. Customs Service is looking for vendors
with security clearances to build a classified
network for sensitive law enforcement data.
Customs is expected to issue a draft proposal
Oct. 25 that will be available only to vendors
that already have certified they have a top-secret
facility security clearance and personnel holding
valid security clearances. S.W. "Woody" Hall,
the chief information officer at Customs,
described the project as a "classified network
allowing agents to move information around that
we don't want anyone to get hold of."
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DOJ touches "smart" gun control
The U.S. Justice Department is turning to
technology to help guns recognize whose finger
is on the trigger. The National Institute of
Justice, the research and development arm of
the Justice Department, is teaming up with
Metal Storm, an electronic gun maker, to
study how a firearm could be designed to
determine whether the person wielding it
should be allowed to fire it.
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