July 11, 2002
Panel adds cybersecurity program to homeland bill
The House Energy and Commerce Committee on
Thursday passed its version of the bill (H.R.
5005) to establish a new Homeland Security
Department with several changes, including
the creation of a distinct program on
cybersecurity. The committee's bill
"maintains the primary functions of the new
undersecretary for information analysis and
infrastructure protection and elaborates and
expands upon his responsibility for cybersecurity,"
said committee Chairman W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, R-La.
Alliance Proposes Cybersecurity Agency
A cybersecurity agency should be created in
the proposed Department of Homeland Security,
the Business Software Alliance said. The
cybersecurity agency would ensure that
significant attention and resources are
focused on protecting the nation's public
and private information infrastructures,
the alliance said in a June 28 letter to
Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va., chairman of the
House Government Reform subcommittee
on technology and procurement policy.
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OMB orders agencies to report on computer security
In an ongoing effort to protect the federal
government's information infrastructure, newly
released guidelines require the government to
bolster security reviews of its information and
computer systems. According to updated guidelines
released last week by the Office of Management and
Budget, federal departments and agencies will have
to take additional steps to verify the security of
their computers' systems by providing quarterly,
detailed information on strategies and progress
to repair diagnosed security flaws.
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Attack of the Cyber-Terror Studies
Last month's Business Software Alliance report on
cyber security (pdf) concluded that cyber terrorism
was going to be really serious, so everyone should
protect themselves by giving more money to the
members of the Business Software Alliance. How
did it reach this conclusion? No, not by using
professional intelligence experts or foreign
affairs specialists, but by asking corporate
security officers for their opinions.
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Expect Cyber-Catastrophe, Says Bush Advisor
Network flaws must be mended, or IP address
overload could cause system collapse within
decade. In his keynote address at an information
technology auditing conference here, Howard
Schmidt, President Bush's advisor on cyber-
security, predicted that networks operated
in the United States and abroad are likely
to be brought down by catastrophic events
unless security greatly improves.
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National Information Security: Is Clarke the Right Man For the Job?
Does the President's Special Advisor on security
really understand the issues security professionals
are dealing with? In the effort to protect homes
and business against the perceived threats of cyber-
terrorism, White House Cyber-Security Czar, Richard
Clarke is engaging in a series of meetings with
security industry representatives to discuss the
nature of information security, particularly
after September 11.
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Windows worm rears ugly head
Datom.A virus poses as Microsoft update. Windows
users are being warned to be on the lookout for
a virus disguised as 'copyrighted Microsoft code'
and claiming to be a Windows update. One expert
has even warned that the Windows worm, Datom.A,
"could mark an evolution for viruses' modus
operandi". The worm may arrive as an email
purporting to be a Microsoft update, but it
can also spread through open network shares.
The actual worm itself consists of three
components: MSVXD.exe, MSVXD16.dll and
MSVXD32.dll, created using Borland C++.
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ACLU: Don't rat out your customers
A clutch of civil liberties groups is asking small
Internet service providers to get a backbone and
stand up to companies seeking to unveil anonymous
critics. A group including the Electronic Frontier
Foundation, the American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU), and the Center for Democracy and Technology
is urging ISPs to alert customers when they are
the targets of so-called John Doe legal actions,
which try to unmask the identities of people who
anonymously air their companies' dirty laundry.
The group has sent letters to more than 100 ISPs,
asking them to adopt a written policy promising
to let customers know if they're targets.
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Lawmakers: Keep your tunes to yourself
Legislators are readying a bill that could
sharply limit Americans' rights relating to
copying music, taping TV shows, and transferring
files through the Internet. At the same time,
the draft legislation seen by CNET News.com
would place the struggling Webcasting industry
on firmer legal footing. Two key House legislators
wrote the double-edged proposal in consultation
with the Library of Congress' Copyright Office.
They appear likely to introduce it this month.
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Linux handheld suffers from security hole
Sharp's Linux-based handheld suffers from security
holes that could let hackers grab private data
off a corporate network, according to researchers
at a leading university. In an advisory posted
Wednesday to a Syracuse University computer-
science Web site, researchers said they had
found vulnerabilities in Sharp's Zaurus
SL-5500 and Zaurus SL-5000D handhelds.
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IE scripting flaw uncovered
Security researchers yesterday released details
of a cross domain scripting flaw in Internet
Explorer ahead of a fix by Microsoft. The flaw
leaves applications that use WebBrowser control,
including Microsoft IE, Outlook and Outlook Express
(when run outside restricted zones), vulnerable
to a variety of attacks, researchers from security
consultancy PivX say. Possible exploits include
elevating privileges, arbitrary command execution,
local file reading and stealing arbitrary cookies.
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MS SQL Server multiple vulns
First up we have a trio of issues, all of which
have been fixed with a single cumulative patch.
There are two exploitable buffer overrun
vulnerabilities, one of which allows an attacker
to run arbitrary code, and a registry stuff-up
enabling the SQL Server service to write to the
registry and specify another account, like
LocalSystem, say and have OS-like privies.
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Security holds back Web services
Despite the submission of standards to OASIS,
some analysts feel that security concerns are
still a major stumbling block for Web services.
Security issues are the number one roadblock to
takeup of Web services, according to one market
analyst. Last week industry pundits claimed that
the submission of the latest version of the Web
Services Security (WS-Security) specification
to international standards body Organisation
for the Advancement of Structured Information
Standards (OASIS) was a move in the right
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China software reclaimed from pirates
Mao Yi Ding has the same problem that high-flying
dot-com executives had a few years ago: He needs
more office space. In a cramped room with no air
conditioning on a sweltering Beijing afternoon,
nothing could dampen Mao's enthusiasm. His
company, an antivirus specialist called Beijing
Rising Technology, has 10 times more employees
than it had in 1999 and was able to raise
prices in June because of high demand.
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Bug Watch: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Always remember the Green Cross Code. Each week
vnunet.com asks a different expert from the
antivirus world to give their views on recent
virus and security issues, with advice, warnings
and information on the latest threats. This week,
Clifford May, principal consultant at Integralis,
sees that an old joke is still doing the rounds.
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Filtering E-Mail with Postfix and Procmail, Part Three
This is the third installment in a four-part series
on filtering e-mail with Postfix and Procmail. The
first two parts of this series focused on how you
can stop receiving spam by configuring Postfix for
spam prevention. This segment will introduce you
to the methods of stopping spam with Procmail.
Filtering E-Mail with Postfix and Procmail, Part One
Filtering E-Mail with Postfix and Procmail, Part Two
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Businesses see bonanza in homeland security
As government workers browse the booths at a
high-tech expo here, a large placard declares,
"Homeland Security and Defense is SERIOUS
BUSINESS." Unstated is another truth: It's also
serious money. The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks
on the United States have created a wave of
new government spending reminiscent of the
space program in the 1960s or the savings
and loan bailout of the 1980s.
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