June 10, 2002
Software piracy grows last year, trade group reports
Software piracy grew last year, breaking six years
of progress by software companies to stamp out
illegal use, according to a trade group report.
Enforcement efforts by software makers resulted
in 44 settlements with American companies in 2001.
A report being released Monday by the Business
Software Alliance, which includes companies such
as Microsoft, Apple Computer and Adobe, attributes
the shift to growing computer markets in countries
that traditionally have high piracy rates, such as
Vietnam, China and India. "The number of people
using PCs in (these) countries are exploding,"
said the group's president, Robert Holleyman. "The
numbers of legal software sales are not keeping up."
Empty pockets make software pirates
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Private Effort to Fight Digital Theft
MEMBERS of a ring suspected of Internet credit
card theft received rude surprises last week when
they opened U.P.S. packages to look for loot they
had ordered online at Laptops4Now.com. Instead
of the Sony Vaios and Microsoft Xboxes they had
ordered, they received old John Grisham paperbacks
and other random items signifying that they had just
been caught in a sting. The twist is that this sting
operation was carried out not by law enforcement
groups, but by a private antifraud company called
CardCops.com, one of a small but growing number
of private organizations acting as digital security
forces against cyberthieves.
(NY Times article, free registration required)
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Swedish programmer cracks password
A Swedish game programmer won the race to discover
the password to a Norwegian history museum's database,
the museum's director said Monday. The password had
been lost when the database's steward died without
revealing it. Ottar Grepstad, director of the Ivar
Aasen Center for Language and Culture, said in an
interview that Joachim Eriksson, a programmer for
Swedish game company Snowcode, sent the correct
password just five hours after the museum's call
for help. The center had posted the database file
on its Web site, asking for help in opening it.
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Bush seeks 'big picture'
Homeland Security Department would serve as
central data clearinghouse. If it works as
envisioned, the Homeland Security Department will
be the center of a torrent of intelligence data.
At least eight major agencies and numerous smaller
ones will funnel information to the Homeland
Security Department, which will serve as a "central
clearinghouse to collect and analyze" data related
to terrorism, according to the Bush administration.
House puts terrorism information sharing bill on fast track
State, local officials praise Bush plan
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Hyperlinking takes center stage in court case
Nicolai Lassen considers linking such a fundamental
element of the World Wide Web that he sees nothing
wrong with creating a service around linking to
news articles at more than 3,000 other sites.
Danish publishers, however, equate such linking
with stealing and have gone to court to stop it.
The case, scheduled for hearings in Copenhagen
later this month, is among the latest to challenge
the Web's basic premise of encouraging the free
flow of information through linking.
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Police to spy on all emails
Fury over Europe's secret plan to access computer
and phone data. Millions of personal emails, other
internet information and telephone records are to
be made accessible to the police and intelligence
services in a move that has been denounced by
critics as one of the most wide-ranging extensions
of state power over private information. Plans being
drawn up by Europol, the police and intelligence
arm of the European Union, propose that telephone
and internet firms retain millions of pieces of data
- including details of visits to internet chat rooms,
and of calls made on mobile phones and text messages.
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Vivendi-News Corp. deal ends fight
High-profile hacking suit dropped as part of Italy
pay-TV pact. Vivendi Universal agreed during the
weekend to sell its Italian pay-TV operations to
Rupert Murdochs News Corp. in a move that solves
problems for both companies. The French media and
utilities conglomerate said it plans to sell Telepiu,
the Italian arm of its loss-making pay-TV unit Canal
Plus, to its Australian rival, ending of a year of
uncertainty about the Italian companys future.
The deal, if completed, will end litigation between
the two firms, including a $1.1 billion lawsuit that
saw a Murdoch firm accused of corporate-sponsored
computer hacking.
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Roll credits on Film88.com
Movie-streaming site raised ire of industry
A court order obtained by the Motion Picture
Association of America (MPAA) has shut down the
latest incarnation of a contentious Web site that
offered streaming movies over the Internet for
just $1. In mid-February, a site called Movie88.com
based in Taiwan began allowing people to stream
popular movies to their computer. The films could
not be downloaded or saved to a hard drive, but
were instead offered as rentals, viewable for a
period of a few days for the $1 or $1.50 fee.
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The Future of Online File Sharing
The Yankee Group's Michael Goodman said that many
of the companies running P2P file-trading sites
are moving their operations offshore, out of easy
reach of prosecution. Despite the demise of online
file-sharing pioneer Napster and the recording
industry's focus on prosecuting any online music
trader that aims to replace it, experts say that
Internet song swapping is here to stay.
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New product secures instant messaging, peer-to-peer
A San Diego company announced a product on Monday
designed to make instant messaging and peer-to-peer
file sharing applications safer to use by blocking
viruses and preventing data from leaking out and back
doors from being installed. Privately held Akonix
Systems developed Akonix L7 specifically to address
the security concerns that are arising from the
widespread use of programs like AOL Time Warner's
Instant Messenger (AIM) and the Kazaa peer-to-peer
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Web businesses, users both fail to protect privacy
Consumers are concerned about the privacy of
personal information they submit online, but
most have no clue how companies use and misuse
that information, according to a new report by
an Internet research firm. Nearly 70 percent of
consumers worry about keeping their information
private, but only 40 percent read privacy policies
posted on business Web sites, a Jupiter Media
Metrix survey said.
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Vietnam steps up fight against anti-government materials on Web
Authorities in Communist Vietnam's largest city
have stepped up their fight against anti-government
materials on the Internet, state-controlled media
reported Saturday. Ho Chi Minh City's Communist
Party organization ordered local government agencies
to strengthen controls on the Internet, including
tighter blocking of sites containing anti-government
materials targeting Vietnam, the Phap Luat (Law)
newspaper said.
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Making Spam Go Splat
Sick of Unsolicited E-Mail, Businesses Are
Fighting Back. The e-mail with the titillating subject
line -- "funny sexy screensaver" -- arrived one recent
afternoon in the computers of at least 100 politicians
and businessmen. It claimed to be from R. James Woolsey,
former director of the Central Intelligence Agency. But
Woolsey didn't send it. It was generated by a "spam"
virus, the kind that hijacks someone's online account
and sends out messages in the owner's name. "It was
like a small version of identity theft," Woolsey, now
a partner with Washington law firm Shea & Gardner,
said in an interview.
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The Perils of Beaming Credit Card Numbers
"Credit card issuers, merchant banks and payment
processors will be the ones to enforce such security
standards when WLAN-enabled point-of-sale devices
are approved for deployment." As concerns surface
about the security risks of using wireless local area
networks (WLANS) in retail settings -- including the
possibility of credit card numbers and other sensitive
data getting intercepted by hackers lurking in the
store -- the good news is that there are plenty of
resolutions available.
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Cloaking Your Movements in Cyberspace
While you can't hide completely, you can find plenty
of ways to make your e-mail and Web surfing trails
a lot less visible. At the tender age of eight, Kon
Leong learned a valuable lesson about privacy. He
was living with his Chinese parents in India when
the Indo-China War broke out in 1962, shattering
diplomatic relations between the two countries for
the next 16 years and placing Chinese who lived in
India under suspicion for espionage. With every move
his family made subject to surveillance, Leong
realized the less others know about you, the better.
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Web Services to aid DOS attacks
The development of web services standards allows us
to contemplate the creation of business applications
that are based upon collections of loosely-coupled
components served up by a variety of third parties.
The question that arises is just who it is that is
going to expose themselves to denial of service
attacks in this way.
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Old Windows code is security threat
Microsoft will more quickly retire old code in
its Windows operating system and other software
as a result of the companys four-month-old
trustworthy computing initiative, the companys
lead bug basher said in an interview.
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Xbox hackers preview movie player
Console capable of playing back DivX films. Further
Xbox hacks have shown what the machine is really
capable of, as hackers reveal a prototype DivX player
for Microsoft's games console. Only weeks after
Xbox mod chips hit the streets, allowing developers
to run home-brew code on the device, reports of a
working movie player have appeared on the internet.
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Simple hack yields free Times Web content
I don't normally read Establishment gazettes like
the London Times or the Sunday Times, but whilst
trawling the Web yesterday I spotted a link to a
story which I thought might interest me. Imagine
my disappointment when I attempted to access it
and learned that only those Netizens located in
the UK are permitted to read the Times for free.
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The Commoner's Virus
Despite its virulence, the Klez worm is ignored
by the newspapers and dismissed by the digerati.
Could the demographics of its victims be a factor?
Klez comes ever in the rearward of fashion.
Repeatedly dubbed the most common virus ever
in recent reports from on-line newsmongers, it
has yet to break into print in any interesting way.
A box of news clippings near my desk, most taken
from the front pages of daily newspapers, proclaim
the arrival of Melissa, Loveletter, Code Red, Nimda
and even Kournikova. However, nothing for Klez or
its equally press-shy older brother, SirCam.
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Programmers enroll in political training
It's not every computer science class that opens
with a poem. But on a recent June day at Stanford
University, khaki-clad senior Jeff Keltner stood
before his classmates, cleared his throat, and
recited verse about a Hollywood-led crackdown on
technology that can transfer digital books to
different devices. The final lines went something
like this (to the beat of Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs
and Ham"): "I want to read this book I bought,
but people tell me I ought not. They say I will
be locked away because of the D-M-C-A."
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Computer System That Makes Data Secure, but Hard to Find
The origins of the F.B.I.'s computer problem go
back in part to the long history of paper records
at the bureau, and its reliance on secure computer
systems of its own creation instead of the
standardized systems that make the Internet so
easy to search, say former Justice Department
officials and others familiar with the technology.
In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee
on Thursday, lawmakers heard of limitations on the
computer system from both Robert S. Mueller III,
the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
and Coleen Rowley, the whistle-blowing special
agent from Minneapolis, that left them agog. The
law enforcement officials described a system so
hamstrung that anything more than the simplest
searches could not be performed.
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Cops rev training with 3-D slides
They got no kick in Champaign when police
officers booted up tired old Microsoft PowerPoint
educational slide showsthat is, not until the
Illinois citys police department started adding
3-D talking characters to the slides. Lt. Michael
Paulus, who manages training and development,
said police presentations now feature cartoon
figures from the Vox Proxy add-in for PowerPoint,
sold by Right Seat Software Inc. of Golden, Colo.
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Thieving chimp is no chump
Monkey makes off with mobile phones. Police in
Hackney, London, are hunting a monkey that may
have been trained to steal mobile phones. Officers
believe that two people may have been victims of
the monkey business over the weekend after two
burglaries were reported in as many hours.
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