June 3, 2002
MIT grad student hacks into Xbox
Security circumvented, allowing use of competing
software A graduate student at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology said he has found a way
to circumvent the security system for Microsoft
Corp.s Xbox video game console, opening the way
for hackers to use it to run competing software,
according to documents released over the weekend.
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Download Sites Hacked, Source Code Backdoored
The popular open-source security tool Fragroute
is bugged in plain sight by unknown hackers, who
may have struck before. When source code to a
relatively obscure, Unix-based Internet relay chat
(IRC) client was reported to be "backdoored" last
month, security professionals collectively yawned.
But last week, when three popular network security
programs were reported to be similarly compromised,
security experts sat up and took notice. Now, it
appears that the two hacking incidents may have
been related.
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Broadband users cut into cable
When Noah A., an AT&T Broadband customer, dropped his
subscription to DirecTV several months back, he joined
a small but growing group of cable TV pirates who use
their high-speed Internet connection to pilfer video
signals. DRAWING ON old-school methods to splice cable
TV lines for unauthorized use, hackers say they can
buy a splitter at the local electronics store and
easily run an additional line from the cable modem
line for the computer into the television. Without
a set-top box, the result is free, basic, analog
cable; with an illegal converter or set-top, hackers
say they have access to premium channels such as
HBO and Showtime.
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$100K hacking contest ends in free-for-all
This is exactly what appears to have happened
in a hacking competition that promised a first
prize of $100,000 and which now seems to be
losing its luster after hackers compromised the
server that held registration details. The result
is that what should have been a straightforward
competition has turned into a convoluted tale
of hackers attacking the wrong systems and
organizers using a dubious server set-up in
the first place. The episode raises a number
of questions over how hacking competitions
should be held in the future.
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Sonicblue Freed From Monitoring
A federal district judge in Los Angeles has handed
the electronics maker Sonicblue a courtroom victory,
ruling that the company does not have to monitor the
TV-watching habits of thousands of people who use
the company's ReplayTV 4000 personal video recorder.
The ruling, issued late Friday by U.S. District
Judge Florence-Marie Cooper in Los Angeles, reverses
an April decision by Magistrate Charles Eick that
required Sonicblue to gather "all available information"
about what TV shows are copied, stored, viewed without
commercials or traded using the ReplayTV 4000.
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Libel case turns on liability of material posted online
A federal appeals court heard arguments Monday on
whether newspapers that post stories on the Internet
can be sued for libel in states outside their local
market. A Virginia prison warden sued two Connecticut
newspapers he says falsely depicted him as racist in
articles about alleged mistreatment of Connecticut
inmates who were sent to Virginia to relieve prison
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FBI to build data warehouse
Investigative data mining part of broad initiative to
fight terrorism. The FBI has selected "investigative
data warehousing" as a key technology to use in the
war against terrorism. The technique uses data mining
and analytical software to comb vast amounts of digital
information to discover patterns and relationships
that indicate criminal activity. The same technology
is widely used in the commercial sector to track
consumer activity and even predict consumer behavior.
Guidelines open data, Web to FBI
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Downturn and Shift in Population Feed Boom in White-Collar Crime
The bursting of the stock market bubble, combined
with the changing face of the American population,
has led to a surge in business fraud and corruption
prosecutions and investigations. Even as the rate
of murder, robbery, assault and other types of
violent and property crimes has declined or flattened
in the last decade, there has been a marked increase
in accounting and corporate infractions, fraud in
health care, government procurement and bankruptcy,
identity theft, illegal corporate espionage and
intellectual property piracy, federal and state
officials say.
(NY Times article, free registration required)
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Fighting Web Fraud
The Internet has made it easier for crooks to rip
your company off. Heres how businesses can protect
themselves and their customers. It was almost too easy.
All the young woman had to do was pick a stolen credit
card number and go online. ACCORDING TO U.S. postal
inspectors, she then bought computers and other
electronic gear. A measure of the extent: when police
swooped down on her New York apartment two years ago,
they found $20,000 worth of gear. And she was identified
only because of fraud-detection software. When she made
an $800 purchase at the IKEA furniture and household-
goods Web site, a program called eDective noticed that
the shipping address she gave was in a different state
from the billing address for her card.
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Net Fraud Is Tangled Web for Victims, Police
As you read this, hundreds of crooks are trolling the
Internet for victims. Their get-rich-quick schemes
clog e-mail inboxes and online bulletin boards. Odds
are they won't get caught. An FBI-led Internet fraud
task force received 49,711 complaints last year. Of
those, 93 ended in an arrest. Local police see most
Internet fraud as outside their jurisdiction; federal
authorities see most of it as too small to pursue.
In the wide-open world between, online scammers are
making fortunes -- and victims are losing more than
$500 million a year.
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In Terror War, Privacy vs. Security
In the amorphous war on terrorism, government officials
believe they have a new weapon: the growing number of
financial institutions that use powerful technology
to monitor confidential customer activity and report
suspicious behavior to law enforcement and intelligence
officials. Driven by little-known provisions of the
USA Patriot Act, the anti-terror legislation that was
approved after Sept. 11, banks, securities firms and
other companies are deploying computer systems that
draw together millions of transactions, sometimes
automatically, in searches for money laundering,
terrorist financing or other unusual patterns.
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Online Film Piracy Booming
The release of the summer's first blockbuster movies has
sparked an unprecedented frenzy of film piracy, sending
nearly 10 million people online to download bootleg
copies of "Spider-Man" or "Star Wars: Episode II -
Attack of the Clones." Even as box-office sales soar
- with the top 12 movies grossing a record $193 million
over the four-day Memorial Day weekend - Internet film
piracy is growing even faster, according to a new report
from Viant, a Boston-based researcher specializing in
digital entertainment. As many as 400,000 to 600,000
illicit copies of films are downloaded every day -
a 20 percent increase over a year ago.
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ID theft rampant; options limited
The State of California leaks the direct deposit
records of 260,000 employees. A Bank One employee
sells hundreds of customer records to a ring of
identity thieves. Criminals gain access to Ford
Motor companys credit reference firm and order
13,000 credit reports. An insurance company
whose name still has not been disclosed gives
information on patient illnesses to a marketing
firm. Its been a bad month for personal privacy,
a good one for identity thieves. And it has experts
asking: Will all of us eventually be victims?
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Workplace e-mail is not your own
Employers have legal right to snoop online. If you
work on a personal computer, you'd better get used
to it -- there's no such thing as private e-mail
on a company system. Analysts say this high-tech
monitoring is a growing trend for employers,
particularly as the technology makes it increasingly
easy to implement on a large scale. "Legally, they're
not required to tell you if they're monitoring the
e-mail," says Shari Steele of the Electronic
Frontier Foundation. "Legally the equipment that
you're using when at work belongs to your employer.
And therefore the employer can do anything they
want to with the equipment."
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VeriSign to help telecoms with wiretap orders
Security and Web address provider VeriSign Inc.
Monday unveiled a new service to help U.S.
telecommunications carriers comply with wiretapping
regulations that have gained more prominence since
the attacks of Sept. 11. Mountain View, California
based VeriSign is testing its new ''NetDiscovery''
wiretapping services, which is expected to be
commercially available in early July for land-line,
wireless and cable carriers, said Terry Kremian,
executive vice president of VeriSign's
telecommunications services.
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Tap, Tap, Tap
Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies
are still busily wiretapping people, but there are
a few surprises in the latest surveillance stats.
Last month, the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC), after two years of deliberations, reissued
their revised regulations on the implementation of
the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement
Act (CALEA) for setting technical standards on
wiretapping. The FCC had to issue the new regulations
after a U.S. Court of Appeals ordered them to do a
better job -- an FCC lawyer admitted in court that
the extent of their analysis on privacy was a
little "hand wringing."
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Where piracy and profits converge
Are satellite TV hackers a tool in a global conspiracy?
Its just a thin slice of plastic thats stuck into your
satellite TV set-top box when you first bring it home.
To viewers, the card is the key that unlocks pay-TV.
To corporations, smart cards are much more 80 million
of them currently unlock one of the worlds most
influential and lucrative industries. But now, the
plastic cards are at the center of a global conspiracy
theory a cutthroat corporate battle, some say, to
control the worlds living rooms through deception,
cheating, and intimidation.
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Randomisation - IBM's answer to Web privacy
IBM Corp's new Privacy Institute has decided that
randomization may be the key to protecting consumer
privacy on the web while also providing e-businesses
with informative metrics on their customers. Thursday
last week, the company said it has developed software
that ensures consumers' sensitive data never leaves
their computers in an accurate form, but can be
reassembled at the back end in aggregate. IBM is
looking for partners to develop the software.
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A Virus by Any Other Name: Virus Naming Practices
When the "VBS/VBSWG.J" virus appeared, the media
decided to call it by a more appealing name,
"AnnaKournikova", which was derived from the
JPEG file that the virus claimed to be. However,
none of the anti-virus products included in the
excellent virus names cross reference tool VGrep
currently lists this virus as "AnnaKournikova",
"Kournikova", or any other variation based on
the name of the charismatic tennis player. On
the other hand, a considerable number of AV
programs detect it as "SST", while a very small
number dont call it "VBSWG" or "SST".
Klez.h takes title as world's slimiest worm
Five years ago: Over 1,000 macro viruses - Dr. Solomon's
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Wild About Wi-Fi
Pete Shipleys dimly lit Berkeley home has all the
earmarks of a geek lair: scattered viscera of discarded
computer systems, exotic pieces of electronic-surveillance
equipment and videos of the BBC sci-fi Red Dwarf show.
But among the hacker community, Shipley, a 36-year-old
freelance security consultant, is best known for his
excursions outside the homeas a pioneer of war
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Retailers defend low-level security on wireless LANs
More high-profile retail chains are being fingered
for not fully securing wireless LANs installed in
their stores. But several retailers said they're
not exposing any sensitive data, and some security
analysts agreed that the risks don't appear to be
great. While retailers have quickly embraced
wireless LAN technology to support applications
such as inventory control and pricing management,
officials at companies such as CVS Corp. and The
Home Depot Inc. last week said bulletproof security
isn't seen as a must-have item.
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Why Net filtering is an abomination
The recent ruling by a Philadelphia court in
response to a challenge by the American Library
Association (ALA) and the American Civil Liberties
Union (ACLU) to the Children's Internet Protection
Act (CIPA) represents another setback for
Congressional prudes and the filtering software
lobby. Briefly, the CIPA would deny public funds
to libraries which refuse to install expensive
content-filtering software on their Net-connected
computers, and the court ruled it unconstitutional.
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Tools provide new weapons in the war against DoS attacks
Like intelligence officials discussing the ever-
present terrorist threat, security experts say its
not a question of whether another major denial of
service (DoS) attack will happenit's when.DoS
attacks are occurring with increasing frequency
and virulence, and enterprises can no longer afford
to base their defenses on shoring up networks by
adding more bandwidth.
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Best practices for managing firewall logs
Firewalls have become as common as Internet
connections themselves. Regardless of the size
of your business, if you are connected to the
Internet, then you are inevitably running some
type of firewall. In the process of filtering
Internet traffic, all firewalls have some type
of logging feature that documents how the firewall
handled various types of traffic. These logs can
provide valuable information, but they can also
be difficult to monitor and manage on a consistent
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Excessive personal Internet and e-mail use can hog
bandwidth and could jeopardize your enterprise network.
Download these sample policies to establish an Internet
use policy will let your users know what is, and isn't,
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New Technology Spots Fingerprint Ploys
Biometric security has taken a beating lately with
reports that fingerprint sensors can be fooled by
such simple means as breathing on the sensor to
"lift" a latent print or spoofing with an easily
crafted "gummy finger." A Milpitas, California-based
company claims to have addressed these and other
fingerprint fooling methods with a new technology
that relies on a combination of algorithm and
monitoring of physical changes to the optical
sensor reading the print.
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Consumers test fingerprint scanning program
Christopher Conrad cuts off telemarketers on the
phone, regularly reminds direct-mail associations
to keep him off their lists and diligently opts
out of mass e-mail lists. But the Seattle commercial
photographer didn't hesitate to give his fingerprint,
credit card information and phone number to
a company he had never heard of.
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