March 26, 2002
Hackers target UK national infrastructure
Government admits weekly average of 84 attacks.
Government departments vital to the protection of
the UK's critical national infrastructure are being
attacked an average of 84 times a week by hackers.
The infrastructure consists of key departments like
Government Communication Headquarters, the Ministry
of Defence and the Home Office, along with power
and communications companies in the private sector.
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Hackers attack eBay accounts
Hackers are taking over eBay accounts and setting up
false auctions - although the crime is not widespread
yet, it may indicate a worrying trend. Someone other
than Gloria Geary had access to the artist's eBay
account last week. Using Geary's user ID, the person
set up an auction for an Intel Pentium computer chip.
Not only that, but the person changed Geary's password
so she could no longer access her own account --
or cancel the bogus auction.,,t269-s2107350,00.html
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Company raided in computer fraud case.
Taking aim at alleged theft, Compaq seizes $5M
in parts from Tewksbury warehouse. Compaq Computer
yesterday seized $5 million worth of computer parts
from a Shawsheen Street warehouse the company says
were fraudulently obtained. Constables pushed more
than 200 pallets of computer products out of the
sprawling warehouse at about 7 a.m. Houston-based
Compaq charges that S-Systems Inc. and its owner,
Anthony Sallee, created phony purchase orders to
receive the computers.,1002,4746~480846,00.html
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Clinton Virus Shows PCs at Risk
Last year's Code Red virus caused many companies to
beef up their corporate defenses. But the majority
of home users remain completely unprotected. In
the wake of last year's Code Red and Nimda viruses,
many corporations beefed up computer security
systems to deflect viruses. But home PC users are
another story. Only a third of home Internet users
make use of up-to-date anti-virus programs, according
to computer security firm McAfee. The rest lack even
the most basic anti-virus software -- leaving most
open to viruses that are getting ever more creative.
The latest: a virus called MyLife.B. It entices users
to open an e-mail attachment that displays a cartoon
of former president Bill Clinton.
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Porn trial expert says blocking software limited
Software products that claim to stop personal computers
from accessing pornographic sites on the World Wide Web
are doomed to fail, a computer language expert testified
Tuesday in a case challenging a federal effort to protect
youngsters from Internet smut. At the trial, which looks
at how far the U.S. government can go to prevent children
from exposure to pornography on library computers,
Stanford University linguist Geoffrey Nunberg testified
that the crude mathematical methods used to operate
filtering software are simply no match for the
subtleties of human judgment.,1367,51338,00.html
Porn-Filter Trial Gets Raunchy,1283,51312,00.html
Librarians testify against Web-filter requirement
A special panel of judges is hearing two groups'
challenge to a federal law that would link funding
to use of the software. This was an incident that
seemed to illustrate perfectly the need for the
Children's Internet Protection Act, the federal
law that would require libraries to install
Internet filtering software as a condition of
receiving federal technology funds. The case
involved illegal child pornography found in a
lavatory trash bin of the public library in Sun
Prairie, Wis. - material apparently downloaded
from an Internet site on one of the library's
public computer terminals.
Librarians: 'Don't make us thought police'
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Bill takes wrong approach on copyright piracy
Wrong approach on piracy issue. Bill to require
anti-copy devices unfair to consumers. If you
know someone with political clout, you might
suggest he take a look at Sen. Ernest Hollings'
bill to regulate computer hardware. Hollings,
a South Carolina Democrat, last week introduced
the Consumer Broadband and Digital Television
Promotion Act. Senate Bill 2048 would require
computer and other electronics manufacturers
to build anti-copying features into everything
from MP3 players to computers and digital
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Nigeria launches site to target e-mail scams
Have you received an e-mail claiming to be from
Nigerian government officials or petroleum
executives trying to smuggle money out of their
country? Are you getting tired of spiking all
that Nigerian spam? Well the Nigerian government
is sick of those scams, too. The African nation,
through its high commission in the U.K., recently
created a Web site to target the scheme and offer
tips on combating fraud and how to legitimately
invest in Nigeria.,4125,NAV47_STO69562,00.html
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Officials tout info sharing
Although sharing information among the courts, the
police and other justice agencies in every level of
government has been a goal of dedicated individuals
and organizations during the last several years,
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks has given the issue
a renewed national scope. Critics say that Sept. 11
highlighted the lack of information exchange and
underscored the importance of improved coordination
to prevent future terrorist attacks.
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Napster Gets A Year To Build Antitrust Case Against Labels
The saga of Napster and its seemingly endless legal
battles with the music industry could stretch on
for at least another year while the MP3-sharing
network fortifies its antitrust claims against
major record companies. In a ruling today by the
federal court judge refereeing copyright
infringement lawsuits against the Redwood, Calif.,
company, Napster was given until Jan. 10, 2003,
to wrap up pre-trial discovery on a mountain of
documentation it says could show record companies
colluded to eliminate competition for music
distribution online.
Another nail in the Napster coffin
- - - - - - - - beats spammers in court
Free-speech group has won a legal
round in its fight against unsolicited e-mail,
invoking Washington state's anti-spam law. The
King County District Court in Bellevue, Wash.,
on Monday granted Peacefire $1,000 in damages
in each of three complaints filed by Peacefire
Webmaster Bennett Haselton. The small-claims
suit alleged that Red Moss Media, Paulann Allison
and Richard Schueler sent unsolicited commercial
messages to Haselton that bore deceptive
information such as a forged return e-mail
address or misleading subject line.
Anti-Spam Advocate Wins Big In Small-Claims Court
The Problem of Fighting Spam
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Spam creator tackles the meaty issue
On April 12, 1994, Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel,
two immigration lawyers from Arizona, flooded the
Internet with a mass mailing promoting heir law firm's
advisory services. In doing so, this unknown husband
and wife team changed the Internet with one keystroke.
The "Green Card Lottery" notice they sent out reached
thousands of people using Usenet newsgroups and, on
one level, qualified as an unqualified success. But
it also triggered a firestorm of criticism from purists
outraged at a breach of the informal rules prohibiting
the transmission of unsolicited junk mail and
advertising over the Internet.
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Verisign accused of DNS slamming
There's a cheesy scam in the phone industry called
'slamming', wherein customers are tricked into
switching their service provider. Double-talk and
deceptive marketing materials figure large in this
enterprise. Now Verisign (formerly Network Solutions)
is taking heat for a practice which borders on
registrar slamming. According to competitor Go Daddy
Software, a renewal reminder being mailed to its
customers is a gimmick designed to switch them to
Verisign. The mailing from "Expiration Department"
gives little indication of its true origin.
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1024-bit encryption is 'compromised'
Upgrade to 2048-bit, says crypto expert. According
to a security debate sparked off by cryptography
expert Lucky Green on Bugtraq yesterday, 1,024-bit
RSA encryption should be "considered compromised".
The Financial Cryptography conference earlier this
month, which largely focused on a paper published
by cryptographer Dan Bernstein last October detailing
integer factoring methodologies, revealed "significant
practical security implications impacting the
overwhelming majority of deployed systems
utilising RSA as the public key algorithm".
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Virus WildList closed 'until further notice'
The WildList, a list of viruses currently at large
which plays an important role in testing antivirus
software, has been suspended indefinitely. In a
message to the antivirus community, Shane Coursen,
chief executive of the WildList Organization (which
compiles the list), said that March, 2002 WildList
will be the last "until further notice". Coursen
is seeking a full-time position as an antivirus
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Are intruders in your digital dumpster?
Is a hacker or foreign agent rooting around in your
digital backyard at home? Systems administrators
protect you at work, but when you get home, look
in a mirror -- this is the systems administrator
who protects your home computer. How good are you?
Even if you are digitally savvy, are your children?
Your spouse? Would they open an attachment or
get into an online chat with a stranger?
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Alerts lessen chance of network security breech
In 2000, Army networks were exposed to more than
5,000 intrusion attempts -- less than 70 were
successful. Intrusion attempts in 2001 nearly
tripled, but less than 100 were successful.
During an undeclared "cyber war" between Chinese
and U.S. hackers in the first two weeks of May,
more than 50 Army Web pages were defaced by an
automated attack. These defacements were successful
because published fixes, identified in Information
Assurance Vulnerability Alerts, were not in place
on the hacked machines.
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Panel Debates Hacker Amnesty
Should hack-and-tell intruders who warn companies
about security holes do time with hardened criminals?
Security experts probe the ethics of hacking. Do
good intentions count in a network intrusion, or
should well-meaning hackers be prosecuted just like
any other computer criminal? A panel of information
security experts chewed on that issue at a security
conference here Monday -- and for one of them, the
question was more than academic.
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Always On, Always Vulnerable: Securing Broadband Connections
You finally got it. No more late nights at the office
wasted on downloading sprees. No more screeching
modems or constant busy signals. Streaming media,
lightning quick file transfers and online gaming,
all within your reach. Yes - you finally have
broadband Internet access! While it may not be
necessarily change user's lives, broadband access
- primarily cable and DSL connectivity - is
nonetheless a great enhancement for any household
or small business. The speed and always-on convenience
are certain to change the way users work and play
on-line. But the leap to broadband comes with a
major snag - security. This article will look at
the threats that accompany broadband access and
the requirements necessary to protect this
growing component of the Internet.
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Transportation turns to technology to track terrorists
Deputy Transportation Secretary Michael Jackson
said Tuesday the Transportation Department will
unveil a series of technology innovations in the
coming months that will help the agency better
track airline passenger manifests and determine
who needs closer scrutiny. Jackson said the new
system would not be a type of racial profiling.
Rather, it will make use of new analytical tools
to help airlines gather information on individuals
who are using the nation's transportation systems.
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