March 6, 2002
Pueblo man charged in kiddie-porn case
A Pueblo man was charged Monday with distributing
child pornography on the Internet. The FBI filed
a criminal complaint against Mark A. Janos in U.S.
District Court. An FBI affidavit alleged that on
Feb. 8 Janos sent three child pornography images
on the Internet to a woman on the East Coast.
After authorities there learned of the incident,
FBI agents began an undercover investigation.
Last Thursday, Janos allegedly sent three more
child pornography images on the Internet to an
undercover agent in Baltimore and allegedly told
the agent that he could help build a collection
of little girls in sex scenes.
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Deputy LA City Attorney arrested in sting.
"Deputy Los Angeles City Attorney Arrested By LAPD
During Internet Predator Sting". On Sunday, March 3,
2002, Richard Bruce Coplen, a 49 year-old resident
of Los Angeles, was arrested and booked for
Attempted Oral Copulation With a Minor, by Los
Angeles Police Department detectives. Richard
Bruce Coplen is a Deputy City Attorney with
the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office.
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Inmate charged with directing child porn from jail cell
A 28-year-old inmate has been arrested on child
pornography charges stemming from a scheme he
ran from his jail cell, state police said.
Christopher Coleman was charged Tuesday with
possession of child pornography, promoting
a minor in an obscene performance, sexual
assault and cruelty to persons. State police
were tipped off Sept. 5, 2001 to Coleman's
activities by the Department of Correction's
phone monitoring unit at the Bridgeport
Correctional Center.
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Klez worm fizzles; 2nd virus hits UBS PaineWebber
Klez.E, an Internet worm programmed to destroy
computer files on infected machines on the six
day of every other month, failed on Wednesday
to wreak much damage, while another computer
virus struck retail brokerage UBS PaineWebber.
That virus, which was not identified, hit the
broker on Tuesday and proved to be a temporary
inconvenience to employees, but not clients,
said David Walker, a spokesman for UBS
PaineWebber in New York, which has 20,000
brokers in the United States and more than
2 million customers.,24195,3374917,00.html
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Virus writer denies 'girl power' claim
Sharp written for 'the love of coding', says
Gigabyte. The teenaged female virus writer who
recently made headlines with a virus that targeted
the .Net platform has hit back at claims that 'girl
power' was the motivation. Seventeen year-old
Gigabyte, who coded Sharp, the second ever proof
of concept virus to affect the .Net platform, has
denied claims that she was using her virus writing
ability to fight against sexism in IT. "Writing
Sharp to fight against sexism? Girl power? Heh.
As if I'd bother," she wrote in an email to "It's not on me to stand up for
females in the computer world; that's
something everyone's gotta do for themselves."
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Virus Borrows Internet Pioneer's Server To Spread
A server operated by Internet pioneer John Gilmore
s being used by a new Internet worm to perform its
mass-mailing routine, according to virus researchers.
The address of the server,, is one of 25
open mail relays hard-coded by its unidentified
author into the W32.Yaha worm, according to analyses
by anti-virus firms Symantec and Sophos. While most
of the open servers are located in China and Korea, is a system installed in Gilmore's home in
San Francisco.
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Top 20 viruses in February
A pretty cool month, despite Valentine's Day.
February is usually a hot month for viruses.
The promise of a virtual Valentine's Day card
often proves too much for unwary end users who
suddenly finds themselves on the end of a
rather different gift. "Somebody loves you"
and "Are you my valentine?" were just a couple
of deceitful subject lines used by Valentine's
Day worms. But last month also saw social
engineering in other areas. The Yarner worm
appeared, masquerading as a virus information
newsletter from a legitimate German security
firm, and MSN Messenger users were plagued by
the Cool worm purporting to be a homepage link.
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Stolen card data surfaces on Web site
A year after cards are canceled, victims face
privacy concerns. On a lark last Friday, Donna
entered her name into the Google search engine.
Only one hit came back, a link to a Russian Web
site. But when she clicked on it, she found her
name address, phone number, and Citibank credit
card listed there, along with about 200 others.
An investigation unveiled hundreds of
others, apparently all canceled Citibank cards,
with the account numbers listed in nearly
sequential order and as of late Wednesday
time, the information was still posted on the
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'Idiot-friendly' virus generator shut down
Clueless web vandals need to look elsewhere.
Following vnunet's exposure of the online virus
generator this week its hosting provider has shut
the site down. The site, which once boasted, "no
download, no wasted time, no programming skill
needed," allowed technically clueless web vandals
to create a Word macro virus with only a few mouse
clicks. The viruses constructed were pretty much
harmless but brought the idiot-friendly virus
generators, such as that used to build the Anna
Kournikova code, to a new level of accessibility.
The site was hosted by free service provider,, but yesterday Mihai Radu from
anti virus firm Bitdefender informed vnunet:
"We already got in touch with the people
responsible and now the site is no longer
available on Freeservers."
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Zombie comes back from the dead
The most complex and dangerous virus ever written?
Users on the Focus Virus mailing list yesterday
raised suspicions that a one year-old virus may
now be posing a new and very real threat. ZombieMist,
or Zmist, which was created by Russian virus writer
Zombie, one of the underground's prominent virus
authors, is described by experts as "one of the
most complex binary viruses ever written". Reports
of infection are only just coming in. At least two
companies admitted to detecting the virus earlier
this week and struggled to get rid of it.
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Al Qaeda Seen Using Web to Regroup
Officials fear that al Qaeda could use Net to
launch new attacks against US. Newly detected
Internet traffic among al Qaeda followers,
including intercepted email messages, indicates
that elements of the organization may be trying
to regroup in remote parts of Pakistan near the
Afghan border, the New York Times reported
Wednesday. US government officials say they
have found new websites and Internet
communications that appear to be part of an
effort to reconstitute al Qaeda and reestablish
communications after the war in Afghanistan,
the Times said.,24195,3374991,00.html,,t269-s2106052,00.html
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Davis introduces security, IT work force exchange bills
Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.) has introduced legislation
to set mandatory computer security standards for
federal agencies. The chair of the Government
Reform Committee's Subcommittee on Technology
and Procurement Policy introduced the Federal
Information Security Management Act, HR 3844,
today to permanently reauthorize the Government
Information Security Reform Act of 2000 and add
more teeth to it. GISRA is set to expire Nov. 29.
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Jail time is not the answer to cybercrime
Patriot Act of 2001, a sweeping law which, among
other things, said those who break into other
peoples' computers could be considered terrorists,
and prosecuted as such. In the months since the
act was signed, several lower-profile bills have
been proposed in Congress--all of which are
either overreaching in scope or simply flawed.
One of these is H.R. 3482, the Cyber Security
Enhancement Act of 2002 (CSEA).
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Girls Harassed on Net, Study Says
For a 13 year old, Liz Lawner is a pretty
sophisticated Internet user. For the past
five years, she's been writing an Internet
advice column on the Girl Scouts' website
with her mother, child psychologist Harriet
Mosatche. But even as an experienced Web
user, Lawner couldn't avoid the seamier
side of the Net. The trouble began when her
brother borrowed her screen name and went
into a public chat room using her profile.
"Since anyone in a public chat room knows
your screen name, they can just send you
emails," Lawner said. Via those emails,
"I got things that -- I am assuming because
I never opened them -- were links to Web
porn sites and other things like that.",24195,3374902,00.html
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Bush administration creates computer security panel
The Bush administration's Critical Infrastructure
Protection Board is assembling a committee to focus
on information-systems security in the executive
branch and formalizing the panel's responsibilities.
The move is aimed at helping the board and the
White House Office of Homeland Security focus
on steps necessary to protect the government's
computer systems.
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DOD advancing high-tech projects
The Defense Department has approved funding
for 15 new technology projects, ranging from
miniscule unmanned aerial vehicles to homeland
security coordination among the nation's first
responders, as part of a program designed to
rapidly field these advanced concepts. Sue
Payton, deputy undersecretary of Defense for
advanced systems and concepts, announced the
Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration
(ACTD) projects for fiscal 2002, and said
about 30 past ACTD products are supporting
the nation's counterterrorism initiatives.
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Government and industry should work together on security.
What keeps an academic such as the chief technology
officer of Hewlett-Packard Co. up at night? For one
thing, the thought of the government building, in
the name of security, its own network infrastructure.
"I have a recurring nightmare of a federal
infrastructure over here, the public infrastructure
over there and no trusted connections between them,"
Richard A. DeMillo said during the Information
Processing Interagency Council 2002 conference
in Orlando, Fla., earlier today.
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Software exec praises government backup efforts
Which sector is better prepared for systems
disaster recovery, government or commercial?
In the opinion of one software executive,
it's government. "In reality, the commercial
sector is where backup has descended to almost
a discretionary level" of priority, said Gary
Bloom, president of Veritas Software Corp.
of Mountain View, Calif., a maker of backup,
recovery and storage management software.
By contrast, "government is well prepared
for true disaster," he said.
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New CD protection won't play on PCs
In the next stage of the battle to prevent illegal
CD copying, digitally protected discs are being
released with songs that won't play on PCs.
Israeli security company Midbar Tech is releasing
one million copy-protected CDs in Japan as part
of an aggressive push by record labels to curtail
digital piracy.,,t269-s2106086,00.html
Consumers in crossfire of labels' war on piracy
When Karen DeLise bought a compact disc by country
singer Charley Pride last year, she was unhappy to
discover that the CD wouldn't play in the CD drive
in her computer. That meant that the songs on the
album couldn't be converted into computer files to
listen to on her portable MP3 music player, either.
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Judge to record labels: Show me the copyrights
A federal judge has given the record labels suing
Napster until Thursday to produce documents proving
they own the copyrights to 213 songs that once traded
for free over the song-swapping service. U.S. District
Judge Marilyn Hall Patel ordered the labels to provide
certificates of copyright registration, or applications
for such proof, for top-selling artists such as the
Beatles and Elvis Presley.
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China Sweet, Sour on Spam
Delegates at the annual meeting of China's National
People's Congress roundly criticized Western systems
administrators that are blocking all e-mail from China
as a means to stop spam, but they also called for new
laws to make sending spam illegal in China. The National
People's Congress is considered the primary political
power in China. Its 2,989 delegates meet every March
to debate legislation, policy and politics. This year
spam had a central place on the agenda, according to
reports from China's official news service Xinhua.,1283,50856,00.html
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$100,000 prize in 'unbreakable' crypto challenge
A company called Bodacion Technologies is offering
$100,000 to anyone who can crack their biomorphic
number generator and predict the final, one-
thousandth, number in a sequence of 999. The
company is doing this to promote its Hydra server,
which uses biomorphic computation for crypto
routines. Additional security enhancements come
from using an embedded OS and not having anything
but a Web and Java applet server running. So there's
basically a lot less to attack, which is of course
inherently more secure than running hundreds of
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Comdex Chicago faces up to security
Biometrics and security came together at Comdex
Chicago 2002 on Wednesday. Representatives from
the airline and biometrics industries met for daylong
discussions about working together to develop measures
that could help prevent tragedies such as those on
Sept. 11. Biometrics, the field of using biological
determinants such as fingerprints and facial features
for identification and access, has long been the next
big thing in computing. Heightened security concerns
and efforts by IBM and others to integrate fingerprint
log-in buttons on notebooks are pushing the field
toward center stage.,,t269-s2106071,00.html
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Vendors team on security suite
Four vendors launched the National Integrated
Security Suite March 5 in anticipation of federal
transportation needs. EDS, PwC Consulting, Sun
Microsystems Inc. and Oracle Corp. collaborated
on an end-to-end system that relies on biometric
and risk-assessment technologies. "We're getting
ahead of what we think the requirements are going
to be in this field so we can provide some
solutions," said Grady Means, managing partner
of PwC Consulting's federal government practice.
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Government advised to allow radio spectrum trading
A government adviser has suggested that the
radio spectrum should be auctioned, and
companies allowed to trade ownership of bands.
The government has been advised to bring in
radical changes in the way it manages the
radio spectrum. If implemented, this could
mean that companies would be able to trade
the ownership of spectrum bands.,,t269-s2106101,00.html
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He Hacks by Day, Squats by Night
Last January, Adrian Lamo awoke in the abandoned
building near Philadelphia's Ben Franklin Bridge
where he'd been squatting, went to a public computer
with an Internet connection, and found a leak in the
Excite@Home's supposedly airtight company network.
Just another day in the life of a young man who may
be the world's most famous homeless hacker. More
than a year later, Lamo is becoming widely known
in hacker circles for tiptoeing into the networks
of companies like Yahoo and WorldCom -- and then
telling the corporate guys how he got there.,1284,50811,00.html
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Guesswork Plagues Web Hole Reporting
A good Samaritan has trouble getting the attention
of a fashion retailer leaking customer credit card
numbers. Should reporting security holes in e-commerce
sites be easier? The Web retail site for fashion label
Guess was leaking customer credit card numbers like so
many cotton-poly five-pocket jeans, and 19-year-old
Jeremiah Jacks wasn't sure how to get it fixed. Jacks
discovered last month that was open to an
"SQL injection attack," permitting anyone able to
construct a properly-crafted URL to pull down every
name, credit card number and expiration date in the
site's customer database -- over 200,000 in all,
by Jacks' count.
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Undefended e-mail gateway no bargain
When I saw the results of the new ICSA Labs virus
survey released yesterday, one fact just blew me
away. Last year, 83 percent of all viruses that
arrived at corporate sites got there through
e-mail. In 2000, it was 87 percent. Worse, the
average cost of each virus attack--counting the
loss of time, productivity, and data --was over
$60,000, with one company reporting an average
loss of over a million dollars. And guess what--
few companies are doing anything truly effective
to bolster their first line of virus defense,
leaving themselves open to many repercussions.,14179,2852468,00.html
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Former employees: A security menace?
A fact of current economic life is that employee
turnover rates are on the rise. Many retailers,
for example, have turnover rates approaching 100
percent, which means employees are coming and
going at a rapid clip. What many companies don't
realize is that when employees leave the business,
they often take with them the firm's most precious
assets -- the mission critical data that runs the
business -- everything from customer account data
to sales and inventory data, to confidential
business intelligence, and everything else
stored in the company's internal systems.
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Dumpster-diving the global village
Media coverage of privacy has become boring and
predictable, with most of the debate focusing on
corporate uses and abuses of customer information.
In fact, the direct-marketing practice of using
form-based information (like warranty registration
cards) to segment customer lists into demographic,
geographic or financial groups is decades old.
Because of the limited nature of available consumer
information in the past, that was all that was
computationally feasible at the time.
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Abortion Foes Stage Cyber Sit-In
Students looking for information on Oregon's
Reed College may have mistakenly landed on
anti-abortion websites not associated with
the school. Since Feb. 14, the
domain name has been redirected to a series of
pro-life websites, including, and "We weren't
able to resolve the issue initially with the
cybersquatter, so we are going to seek legal
remedy under the Uniform Dispute Resolution
Policy," said Harriet Watson, director of
public affairs for Reed College.,1383,50749,00.html
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